How to resolve conflicts by legal means

Between consumer sellout often someone something so hook your bag, a basket or even - the fifth point.
It's okay if you drop a jar of mayonnaise. But if you manage to break a bottle of something that is so important in the New Year night, then most likely, the administration of the store wants you to pay broken.
So in this case, to pay or not to pay?
The main criterion here is the presence of guilt of the person who caused the damage.
So, if you are walking through a supermarket with a basket in her hand, squeezed on trade row partitioned boxes are unloaded nimble merchandiser, hooked up a couple of bottles of whiskey, which successfully broke, then to reimburse the cost you do not have. The same layout will be the case if you slipped on a wet, not dry wiped the floor. Under the law, the person who caused the damage, shall be exempt from compensation of harm, if he proves that the harm was caused not his fault.
If you were demolished something, waving his arms, sharing his impressions with a friend or dropped something, leaning against the window of being drunk, you have to pay.
Another question: how to pay?
If found guilty the problem is solved on the spot making money for the broken goods in cash.
If the would-be visitor fault does not recognize, or it really is not, and brazen traders insist on the return, the damages they can claim only through the courts.
Pressure on the pest accidentally improperly. Require administrator book of complaints and preparation of the report on the deterioration of the goods. Can they threaten to complain to the Federal Service.
If you refuse to pay for the goods, the store will begin to make the administration of the act of what happened (in the first place, it is necessary to store the financial statements). Should not be afraid, but look at it and describe it in my point of view (to point out the crammed boxes of passage, a wet floor or curved arrangement of the goods), will not be superfluous. If we brew conflict, is to find witnesses (at least two), and better if it's not just your friends. Ask them for contact numbers.
Often when such conflicts representatives require you store documents. Giving them not worth it. Documents may require and review only the police officer. It is possible to dictate to them voluntarily your data if you do not resist the proceedings. Most likely, they will need your data to apply for you in court.
After providing data and your oral statement, you are ready to deal with a shop in the court, you can safely go about their business.
However, independent from either the employer or from poorly developed mind guards may try to detain you.
If they do so before the act is made, and you have declared intention to resolve the conflict in court that their actions are lawful. In such a case they will act on the basis that you deliberately committed an infringement on the property store and tries to hide.
If you have already explained to them by law a plan of action, and they rudely you slow down, or even threaten to dismiss his hands, then this unfortunate guards threatened criminal article. And the punishment of up to seven years of real life.
So if they start to behave disrespectfully, remind them of violating Article 203 of the Criminal Code "Abuse of authority by employees of private security or detective services».
If you said the representative of the store's intention to address the issue in court, not the fact that they will run to the court: appointed during the trial audit on compliance with the store a huge number of sanitary, fire and other norms can discourage them any desire to apply to the court. Even win store business can give them a lot more problems due to communication with the control authorities.
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