Kardashian Secrets

The fact that beauty demands victims, known to all. And each person has his own threshold of sacrifice in the name of beauty. For some, the sacrifice - a score on all of the recommendations for the care of a loved one, and then restore the wild pace that has destroyed. And for someone - a daily beauty ritual that brings a lot of fun and the sea of emotions. Somehow I thought that Kim Kardashian is the second type of people. She has perfect skin, great hair, and if it is not itself a lean physique, always smart, slim look. Most importantly, she likes the way she looks. So, enjoy and care for themselves. Today I'll tell you what sacrifices Kim is to always look like perfection.

Kim admitted that she had an inexplicable passion for hair removal. It removes them from almost every centimeter of his body. Even from his forehead.

In an interview with Us Magazine, Kim said:
If you look at my pictures about three years ago, you can see several rows of children curl on my forehead. But they were not so large that I could combed it back, so I had to constantly epilate forehead, the last time I removed their laser curls over the forehead poyavlyayutsya.Pomimo not laser hair removal done on legs, arms, armpits and neck stars.
Mania in the removal of unwanted hair appeared at Kim as a teenager.
Literally from the age of twelve I started to do waxing in the bikini area. It was a weekly tradition - every Friday we corrected eyebrows and bikini hair removal done. In addition to the removal of Kim keen and adding hair. For example, for some types of makeup she uses false eyelashes. In addition, during the filming, and at important ceremonies she wears toupees.

In addition to hair, Kim closely monitors the state of their nails on the hands and feet. Just yesterday it was noticed in the salon in Beverly Hills, where she was doing manicures and pedicures.

Perfectly clean, smooth and flawless skin Kim - a cause for envy of many women.

In his last interview with the resource askmichaelcohen.com makeup artist Mario Dedivanovik working on the make-up Kardashian sisters, the question of how Kim takes care of her skin said:
Kim always washes away makeup before going to bed is very important. The worst thing that you can do with your skin - to leave the makeup at night. Kim enjoys a line of skin care products Perfect Skin. It includes exfoliating exfoliation which removes dead skin cells. In addition, I use a serum «The Radiant» from La Mer to her face looked fresh and privlekatelno.


For her, not the subtle physique, Kim looks amazing. Kim nothing does not refuse: she eats anything that requires her body and therefore not reproaches himself for cellulite, which she speaks so much, but never shows.

What is her secret? In the interview she talks about the hours of physical activity and dance. And I'm willing to believe it.

But is this the secret of her toned figure? Maybe there's something else? And it's, you know, there. This secret is hidden under clothes and Kim sometimes makes itself felt.

The mystery lies in the magical corrective underwear, slimming all figure flaws.
Photo: gawker.com, dailymail.co.uk