Eyes Jared Leto
Jared Leto always wanted to be closer to their fans and, you know, he did it. The famous actor and singer has not parted with his camera and photographed everything that seems to him interesting and worthy of attention, spreading the resulting pictures on Twitter. Due to this Jared gets closer to the fans, and they in turn feel that they are not idol anyway. This "interchange" (Summer exposes photos and comment on their fans) helps to achieve a complete understanding between the two parties. Pictures Jared certainly unprofessional, as to any course he did not go, but look at them curiously. What is Jared Leto lives and how he sees the world?
To become better acquainted with Jared and his presentation about everything that happens in my life, I suggest to read quotes Summer seemed to me the most interesting and significant.
It was great to grow up in a family of nomads. To be honest, I still like the kind of lifestyle - with a rucksack on his back and suitcases ready
I'm not the person who arranges raids on shops or lights on the Hollywood crowd. I rather prefer my small world. I have my band, my brother, my friends and my dogs
If I knew that I would become an idol for teenagers would kill himself
Someone told me when I was younger, that the name of a good book or a play can tell you all about the content. I liked that phrase, but I really like it, when there is some mystery
I was in Los Angeles with $ 500 in my backpack, I was there all alone, so I no nothing helped, and all that I have, I earned yourself
I have always been interested in some otherworldly things - signs, symbols and their meaning in the different cultures
I wanted to be an artist, because he grew up among artists and photographers in a very rich artistic environment. And as a child I wanted to be ... a drug dealer. I thought it was a good lesson, profitable. Naturally, I am aware that there will be strong competition ... So what? It seems strange to you?
Nothing I'm not attracted more than women. But if one day I will draw men ... I think that I can live with that. Of course, not easy for me to say this now. I'll be honest - if it really happened, I would have is unsettled and I would have to review all their worldviews
Some people live their lives for others - it's like an open book. And I'm ... I'm very reticent man
For my entire life I had only one true love
(Photo assistant Jared - Emma. Of course, it was not his true love, but rather, Cameron Diaz)
I do not like to leave the house, and I do it only only when circumstances force. I wish I lived in a cave with a door, where instead of rugs are the skins of wild animals. You know, it seems to me that there would be very comfortable. More should be a place for the fire, because there will be bezvylazno is from 6 to 15 months
I have a rather apocalyptic and crazy dreams. I often dream the same dream about sharks around me in the sea and tearing me in half. Sometimes I dream that I was a mythical creature, something like a phoenix or a griffin, and my skin was made of fire, and I have fought against another supreme being, while the world around us to change. It was unusual compared to my other dreams
I had some time in prison. It's OK. Look, my life was so extreme that I do not think this is some kind of an amazing thing
A few years ago there were rumors that I died. And at that time I was working in Ireland. And when I came back from there, the people that I was indifferent, came up to me and said, "We thought you were dead!»
In high school I was not popular, because basically, I withdraw into their own world. But I do not regret it - I had a wonderful family - my mom and my brother
(Pictured mother Jared)
I was not wearing and not wearing colored lenses. And I do not glass eyes, as many believe ...
The coolest job I had when I was 12 years old and I worked as a dishwasher in a cafe, "Three Little Pigs". I paid for it 2, $ 50 per hour. And there moonlighting children living in shelters. Perhaps I would like to work there and now ...
If you do not know what you want, you will die in a pile of what you do not like
When you see that everything around flowers, inhale and hold your breath for five seconds, and then the state of joy that will flow into you, try to keep throughout their lives ...
The world is big enough to meet the needs of everyone, but it is too small to satisfy human greed. If you feel that giving up, remember why you held on for before ...
In my ideal dinner will be present - God, the Devil and Natalie Portman

To become better acquainted with Jared and his presentation about everything that happens in my life, I suggest to read quotes Summer seemed to me the most interesting and significant.

It was great to grow up in a family of nomads. To be honest, I still like the kind of lifestyle - with a rucksack on his back and suitcases ready

I'm not the person who arranges raids on shops or lights on the Hollywood crowd. I rather prefer my small world. I have my band, my brother, my friends and my dogs

If I knew that I would become an idol for teenagers would kill himself

Someone told me when I was younger, that the name of a good book or a play can tell you all about the content. I liked that phrase, but I really like it, when there is some mystery

I was in Los Angeles with $ 500 in my backpack, I was there all alone, so I no nothing helped, and all that I have, I earned yourself

I have always been interested in some otherworldly things - signs, symbols and their meaning in the different cultures

I wanted to be an artist, because he grew up among artists and photographers in a very rich artistic environment. And as a child I wanted to be ... a drug dealer. I thought it was a good lesson, profitable. Naturally, I am aware that there will be strong competition ... So what? It seems strange to you?

Nothing I'm not attracted more than women. But if one day I will draw men ... I think that I can live with that. Of course, not easy for me to say this now. I'll be honest - if it really happened, I would have is unsettled and I would have to review all their worldviews
Some people live their lives for others - it's like an open book. And I'm ... I'm very reticent man

For my entire life I had only one true love
(Photo assistant Jared - Emma. Of course, it was not his true love, but rather, Cameron Diaz)

I do not like to leave the house, and I do it only only when circumstances force. I wish I lived in a cave with a door, where instead of rugs are the skins of wild animals. You know, it seems to me that there would be very comfortable. More should be a place for the fire, because there will be bezvylazno is from 6 to 15 months

I have a rather apocalyptic and crazy dreams. I often dream the same dream about sharks around me in the sea and tearing me in half. Sometimes I dream that I was a mythical creature, something like a phoenix or a griffin, and my skin was made of fire, and I have fought against another supreme being, while the world around us to change. It was unusual compared to my other dreams

I had some time in prison. It's OK. Look, my life was so extreme that I do not think this is some kind of an amazing thing

A few years ago there were rumors that I died. And at that time I was working in Ireland. And when I came back from there, the people that I was indifferent, came up to me and said, "We thought you were dead!»

In high school I was not popular, because basically, I withdraw into their own world. But I do not regret it - I had a wonderful family - my mom and my brother
(Pictured mother Jared)

I was not wearing and not wearing colored lenses. And I do not glass eyes, as many believe ...

The coolest job I had when I was 12 years old and I worked as a dishwasher in a cafe, "Three Little Pigs". I paid for it 2, $ 50 per hour. And there moonlighting children living in shelters. Perhaps I would like to work there and now ...

If you do not know what you want, you will die in a pile of what you do not like

When you see that everything around flowers, inhale and hold your breath for five seconds, and then the state of joy that will flow into you, try to keep throughout their lives ...

The world is big enough to meet the needs of everyone, but it is too small to satisfy human greed. If you feel that giving up, remember why you held on for before ...

In my ideal dinner will be present - God, the Devil and Natalie Portman