Outfits stars
At this time, "Along" with pleasure intently studying the outfits remarkable Oscar-winning actress Penelope Cruz. Spanish beauty on the screen appears in a variety of images as a fragile, gentle and loving girl and combative, strong Bandidas. What is it out screens on all sorts of "gatherings" of celebrities and everyday life?
Pe love to lush, emphasizing form, the dress is obviously, and I admit, it is unique in their finery
ever pressing question: which of the two colors more to face - black or white?
... Or red?
a combination of a close fitting dress with a long light coat ... in my opinion, perfectly matched colors
short dress. And indeed, why hide such legs ?!
Well, the choice of outfits for Penelope's public appearance is clear, but how is the actress to his appearance in his real life?
jeans, sweaters, shoes - everything is simple and tasteful
flared jeans, long coat - very tasty chosen!
oops ... not))
but the image of pirates for the perfect Cruz agree!
even a pure sports style Pe-to-face
Pregnancy is not an obstacle stylish Cruz
the only error actress - well, why wrap up in the rough shirt?
one of the few Hollywood beauties to which simply do not reproach! Clever, Pe!

Pe love to lush, emphasizing form, the dress is obviously, and I admit, it is unique in their finery
ever pressing question: which of the two colors more to face - black or white?

... Or red?

a combination of a close fitting dress with a long light coat ... in my opinion, perfectly matched colors

short dress. And indeed, why hide such legs ?!

Well, the choice of outfits for Penelope's public appearance is clear, but how is the actress to his appearance in his real life?
jeans, sweaters, shoes - everything is simple and tasteful

flared jeans, long coat - very tasty chosen!

oops ... not))
but the image of pirates for the perfect Cruz agree!
even a pure sports style Pe-to-face

Pregnancy is not an obstacle stylish Cruz

the only error actress - well, why wrap up in the rough shirt?

one of the few Hollywood beauties to which simply do not reproach! Clever, Pe!