Ulyana Sergienko
Ulyana Sergienko in the metropolitan coterie known as the fashionista with its original taste, a talented photographer, and more recently also as a fashion designer.
Interestingly, the native 30-year-old socialite from a distant province, the Kazakh city of Ust-Kamenogorsk.
That's where the future star's childhood beau monde. Juliana graduated from high school, a number of subjects that were taught in English. Teachers spoke of her as a capable student. And classmates say that it has always stood out from the crowd. In any weather wearing a short skirt, nylon stockings and walked with her hair. In 1997, she set off to conquer the northern capital. According to rumors, there is participation in the destiny took her infamous Peter Listerman, staged Sergienko photo shoot in the Dominican Republic.
Juliana was married to a Russian billionaire Daniel Khachaturov.
Sergienko called in Western fashion blogs Russian Lady.
It has its own unique style of "a la Russe", both consisting of the fashion of the early 20th century, retro Stalin period and burlesque eroticism.
Chief editor of the French edition of L'Officiel compared Ulyana with style icon Daphne Guinness, calling the Russian woman "delicate and romantic."
Photos taken Ulyana:
This spring Sergienko presented fashion brand, named after her. Juliana created outfits called "Soviet illustrations for Vogue 1950s," they fully comply with their own designer style.
According to newly designer, fashionista should mix maxi-skirt with thin turtleneck sweaters and large knit dresses in the style of baby-doll complementary colored gloves, suede ankle boots and thin straps. Juliana has not bypassed attention and fur coats and jackets presenting of fox, mink and karakulcha.
The very socialite loves clothes by Russian designers - Terexov and Vika Gazinskaya.

Interestingly, the native 30-year-old socialite from a distant province, the Kazakh city of Ust-Kamenogorsk.
That's where the future star's childhood beau monde. Juliana graduated from high school, a number of subjects that were taught in English. Teachers spoke of her as a capable student. And classmates say that it has always stood out from the crowd. In any weather wearing a short skirt, nylon stockings and walked with her hair. In 1997, she set off to conquer the northern capital. According to rumors, there is participation in the destiny took her infamous Peter Listerman, staged Sergienko photo shoot in the Dominican Republic.
Juliana was married to a Russian billionaire Daniel Khachaturov.
Sergienko called in Western fashion blogs Russian Lady.

It has its own unique style of "a la Russe", both consisting of the fashion of the early 20th century, retro Stalin period and burlesque eroticism.

Chief editor of the French edition of L'Officiel compared Ulyana with style icon Daphne Guinness, calling the Russian woman "delicate and romantic."

Photos taken Ulyana:

This spring Sergienko presented fashion brand, named after her. Juliana created outfits called "Soviet illustrations for Vogue 1950s," they fully comply with their own designer style.

According to newly designer, fashionista should mix maxi-skirt with thin turtleneck sweaters and large knit dresses in the style of baby-doll complementary colored gloves, suede ankle boots and thin straps. Juliana has not bypassed attention and fur coats and jackets presenting of fox, mink and karakulcha.

The very socialite loves clothes by Russian designers - Terexov and Vika Gazinskaya.