The girl refused new winter boots to buy shoes classmate from a large family
A person with a big heart will definitely show himself from the best side. And he will do it more than once, but will not always reveal the cards. And why? The important thing is that goodness They reached their destination. They will help make this world a better place. After all, who, if not avid good people and unrelenting optimists, turn our globe?
A man with a big heart, Tatiana, watched her daughter Violetta look at winter boots online. The girl scrolled page by page, rated photos of shoes, enlarged pictures. “Look, Mommy, how cool these are. Trend of the season. I saw such on Bella Hadid, the girl was encouraged. Tatiana looked into the phone screen, but it was not shoes that attracted her attention, but the cost of boots.
“Sunshine, that is a very large sum. We can not afford these boots, — tried to cool the ardor of the young fashionista mother. The salary of Tanya and her husband is clearly lower than that of Bella Hadid. And although the amount was generally lifting, but definitely decent. Violetta frowned at first on her cheeks, and then rather said, “I’ll save for them.” There is time before the snow falls. I'll put off what I get on the side job. And if you miss it, will you help me, Mommy? Tanya could not refuse such a tempting offer, so she agreed.
A month later, Tanya noticed that her daughter returns from school dissatisfied. Violetta said that a new girl was transferred to their class. “She is good, she seems smart. But that nasty Ulyana jumped right away. Says you packed your rags in the dumpster? I've comforted poor Taia so many times. I can't imagine how embarrassing I would be in her place. And Ulyana seems to have sawdust instead of brains.
Tanya mentally glad that her daughter is growing up so sensitive girl. At the same time, the mother saw that her child can not only not give themselves to offense, but also protect others. That was very flattering to Tatiana. She was proud to have such a big heart. “Maybe you would like to invite Tya to go shopping?” I'll give you a little more money. Give her something decent to go to school.” The daughter was inspired by Tatiana’s cool idea.
Peels Taia was at first incredibly shy and did not want to go with Violetta to the mall. Although a classmate convinced her that they would just walk or look at the movies. A girl from a poor family was afraid that Violetta would cheat her in some way. ridicule. This is exactly what former classmates did to her. Tai's mother pulled the family as best she could, but she didn't have a father. There were five brothers and another sister. That's what Tai told Violetta when they finally met.
Right thoughts "I won't take anything, don't even try," persuaded Ty's new girlfriend. “I’m not offering you a supernatural wardrobe. I just want to support you in a difficult time. That wretched Ulyan won't get away from you. But I see that you can prove yourself. You're smart. So prove it. Clothes are just clothes. We will only buy something for the school," Violetta's insistence was hard to argue, so Taia modestly agreed.
The girls had a wonderful time. Taia even told Violetta that she was invited for a walk by a boy from a parallel class. But Violetta thought only about the fact that her new friend is still in godlessly old shoes. It's so scary you can't look at it without tears. At this point, the girl made the most difficult decision for herself. She spent all the money she put aside on a gift to Taia. I bought her stylish new shoes.
My daughter hastened to tell her beloved parents. My father did not share Viola’s enthusiasm. "Are you a charity? You have to think about yourself first.” But Tatiana then hugged her daughter and said she was proud of her. "Mom, you should have seen it. Taia is now very beautiful and stylish. Ulyana looked like a toad when she noticed her changes.” My mother and daughter laughed sincerely.
Peels A man with a big heart is rewarded with fate On the weekend, Violetta woke up in a good mood. She was still happy with what she had done. But then the girl noticed a large box next to the bed. She barely touched her hand when she realized there were such things. boots.
Peels "Mom, I love you so much" - the happy girl flew up to her parent in full steam. "It's not me, it's Bella Hadid who sent her boots," the two charming women hugged and then went to try on new boots in the girl's room. So Tatiana realized that in her family, perhaps, not one. bigheartTwo.

A man with a big heart, Tatiana, watched her daughter Violetta look at winter boots online. The girl scrolled page by page, rated photos of shoes, enlarged pictures. “Look, Mommy, how cool these are. Trend of the season. I saw such on Bella Hadid, the girl was encouraged. Tatiana looked into the phone screen, but it was not shoes that attracted her attention, but the cost of boots.
“Sunshine, that is a very large sum. We can not afford these boots, — tried to cool the ardor of the young fashionista mother. The salary of Tanya and her husband is clearly lower than that of Bella Hadid. And although the amount was generally lifting, but definitely decent. Violetta frowned at first on her cheeks, and then rather said, “I’ll save for them.” There is time before the snow falls. I'll put off what I get on the side job. And if you miss it, will you help me, Mommy? Tanya could not refuse such a tempting offer, so she agreed.

A month later, Tanya noticed that her daughter returns from school dissatisfied. Violetta said that a new girl was transferred to their class. “She is good, she seems smart. But that nasty Ulyana jumped right away. Says you packed your rags in the dumpster? I've comforted poor Taia so many times. I can't imagine how embarrassing I would be in her place. And Ulyana seems to have sawdust instead of brains.
Tanya mentally glad that her daughter is growing up so sensitive girl. At the same time, the mother saw that her child can not only not give themselves to offense, but also protect others. That was very flattering to Tatiana. She was proud to have such a big heart. “Maybe you would like to invite Tya to go shopping?” I'll give you a little more money. Give her something decent to go to school.” The daughter was inspired by Tatiana’s cool idea.

Peels Taia was at first incredibly shy and did not want to go with Violetta to the mall. Although a classmate convinced her that they would just walk or look at the movies. A girl from a poor family was afraid that Violetta would cheat her in some way. ridicule. This is exactly what former classmates did to her. Tai's mother pulled the family as best she could, but she didn't have a father. There were five brothers and another sister. That's what Tai told Violetta when they finally met.

Right thoughts "I won't take anything, don't even try," persuaded Ty's new girlfriend. “I’m not offering you a supernatural wardrobe. I just want to support you in a difficult time. That wretched Ulyan won't get away from you. But I see that you can prove yourself. You're smart. So prove it. Clothes are just clothes. We will only buy something for the school," Violetta's insistence was hard to argue, so Taia modestly agreed.
The girls had a wonderful time. Taia even told Violetta that she was invited for a walk by a boy from a parallel class. But Violetta thought only about the fact that her new friend is still in godlessly old shoes. It's so scary you can't look at it without tears. At this point, the girl made the most difficult decision for herself. She spent all the money she put aside on a gift to Taia. I bought her stylish new shoes.
My daughter hastened to tell her beloved parents. My father did not share Viola’s enthusiasm. "Are you a charity? You have to think about yourself first.” But Tatiana then hugged her daughter and said she was proud of her. "Mom, you should have seen it. Taia is now very beautiful and stylish. Ulyana looked like a toad when she noticed her changes.” My mother and daughter laughed sincerely.

Peels A man with a big heart is rewarded with fate On the weekend, Violetta woke up in a good mood. She was still happy with what she had done. But then the girl noticed a large box next to the bed. She barely touched her hand when she realized there were such things. boots.

Peels "Mom, I love you so much" - the happy girl flew up to her parent in full steam. "It's not me, it's Bella Hadid who sent her boots," the two charming women hugged and then went to try on new boots in the girl's room. So Tatiana realized that in her family, perhaps, not one. bigheartTwo.
When not to visit the barber in October, so as not to cut off the cash flow
Tamara Globa gave a specific forecast for October for all zodiac signs