Angelina Jolie's right leg
Despite the fact that Brad Pitt had not taken at yesterday's "Oscar" statuettes no, he can be proud of his wife Angelina Jolie, who was the real star of the evening. No, she has not received the "Oscar" and wore the best dress, just that she is well demonstrated its right leg. In this leg has got its own Twitter (readers in one day was more than 12 thousand), and people started having fun photoshop photos and pictures, inserting a thin, but beautiful legs Angie. Why is she so deliberately decided to put her can only guess, but it was always partial to his lower extremities, choosing dresses with the highest cuts. Take a look at the new boom among American Internet users.
On the red carpet Angelina has got into this "crown pose» ...
But the whole point of it was to go on stage when she presented the award to Alexander Payne for "Best Adapted Screenplay". Apparently Jolie realized that the dress of black velvet Versace she is not the best and decided to play on their sexuality, jutting leg blissfully. The mother of six children and the old have more agility. Cool it parodied at the end of the video :)
And here is the very memes:
And finally, the most lethal:
Twitter legs:AngiesRightLeg
Looks like fun gait Leo DiCaprio, Keanu Reeves sad gatherings and pop Scarlett Johansson in the past ... Jolie Leg blame)))
On the red carpet Angelina has got into this "crown pose» ...

But the whole point of it was to go on stage when she presented the award to Alexander Payne for "Best Adapted Screenplay". Apparently Jolie realized that the dress of black velvet Versace she is not the best and decided to play on their sexuality, jutting leg blissfully. The mother of six children and the old have more agility. Cool it parodied at the end of the video :)

And here is the very memes:

And finally, the most lethal:

Twitter legs:AngiesRightLeg
Looks like fun gait Leo DiCaprio, Keanu Reeves sad gatherings and pop Scarlett Johansson in the past ... Jolie Leg blame)))