18 rules of life of the Dalai Lama

1. Take into account that great love and great achievements associated with greater risk.
2. When you lose, you lose experience.
3. Follow the eternal three rules:
a) Respect yourself
b) Respect other
c) Do not walk away from responsibility for their actions.
4. Remember that not always what you want - you really need.
5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly
6. Do not let a little dispute break a great friendship
7. If you make a mistake - immediately do everything to fix it.
8. Sometimes you have to listen to yourself, alone.
9. Feel free, but do not break the boundaries.
10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
11. living a decent life, so that later, in old age you had something to remember.
12. A loving atmosphere is the foundation for your life.
13. In disagreements, talk only about the present, do not bring up the past.
14. Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.
15. Be gentle with the earth. Love her
16. Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.
17. Remember that the best relationship is those in which each half, with whom she would not be remembered about you.
18. Sometimes you have to give up what you want to get it.