50 greatest movie stars
Final part of the actresses.
6.Merilin Monroe (1926-1962)
Sex symbol of all times, extraordinarily beautiful, beautiful, smart, funny, incredibly attractive about it ... you can talk endlessly.
Even if she was not so talented, as desired, but it is so remembered for its beauty and that its long will try to copy.
There is a widespread myth that Monroe sawed heel shoes on one of half a centimeter to achieve his famous wobbly gait, like in the movie "Some Like It Hot." In fact, she did not do it, and it has made such a gait during the filming of the movie "Niagara».
5.Greta Garbo (1905-1990)
She starred with Clark Gable in the movie "Susan Lenox: the fall and rise." It was their only film together, and the reason for that was a mutual dislike of actors. Garbo thought the game partner clumsy, Gable and Garbo in response accused of snobbery.
Her career ended early (1920-1941). Greta has always been a recluse, rarely signs autographs, avoid public events, do not attend the premiere of his movie, he did not respond to the letter and the fans did not give interviews.
The actress had never married, had no children, and her circle of friends was small. She was known for her long walks through the city, dressed casually and large sunglasses.
4.Ingrid Bergman (1915-1982)
One of the champions of the received "Oscars" - 3 "Oscar" (2 - "Best Actress", 1 - "Best Actress»).
Ingrid did not like the movie "Casablanca" and annoying when she asked about it. "I starred in so many films that were more important, but people are only interested in the film with Bogart».
She starred in three films of Alfred Hitchcock.
3.Odri Hepburn (1929-1993)
Well, what girl has not heard of the movie "Breakfast at Tiffany's" as well as about the very Audrey.
Since 1954, began performing in radio broadcasts, UNICEF, and soon after her last appearance in the movie Hepburn was appointed poslom.Ispytyvaya special gratitude for their own salvation in the aftermath of the Nazi occupation, she devoted the rest of his days, improving the fate of children living in the poorest countries of the world. < br />
"Little Black Dress" was created in collaboration with its Givenchy.Druzhbu with Givenchy actress has carried throughout his life, becoming his constant client. His first perfume L`Interdit Hubert is dedicated to Audrey.
"The figures show that Audrey died young. What the numbers do not say - it is that Audrey would have died young at any age "- Peter Ustinov
2.Bett Davis (1908-1989)
The first person in the history of world cinema, was nominated for 10 "Oscars».
The film "All About Eve»
The actress has won the "Oscar" award twice. After her death, the two figurines were purchased by Steven Spielberg, who returned them to the American Academy.
In the 1940s, filmmakers have tried in every way to emphasize the singularity of its "fish" the eyes and look with the help of lighting and makeup.
Finally, the first place we take ...
1.Ketrin Hepburn (1907-2003)
Catherine nominated for "Oscar" twelve times and awarded the prize four times - more than any other actor or actress in history.
City garden near the house where she lived, was called by her name.
As already mentioned, Katharine Hepburn four times received the award "Oscar". For the first time - for the film "Morning Glory", the second - for the film "Guess who's coming to dinner," the third "Oscar" she deservedly got for his film "The Lion in winter", and the fourth - for "On Golden Pond ".
Katharine Hepburn's character appears in a number of films. In 1977, the actress played Tola Feldshyu in the television movie "The Amazing Howard Hughes" in 2004 in the biographical drama of Martin Scorsese's "The Aviator," the role of Katharine Hepburn played Cate Blanchett received for his performance of "Oscar" in the category of Best Supporting Actress.
Catherine lived a long life and died June 29, 2003 ... And we are still happy to see "Philadelphia Story" and other great movies, where she played a talented actress.
6.Merilin Monroe (1926-1962)

Sex symbol of all times, extraordinarily beautiful, beautiful, smart, funny, incredibly attractive about it ... you can talk endlessly.
Even if she was not so talented, as desired, but it is so remembered for its beauty and that its long will try to copy.

There is a widespread myth that Monroe sawed heel shoes on one of half a centimeter to achieve his famous wobbly gait, like in the movie "Some Like It Hot." In fact, she did not do it, and it has made such a gait during the filming of the movie "Niagara».

5.Greta Garbo (1905-1990)

She starred with Clark Gable in the movie "Susan Lenox: the fall and rise." It was their only film together, and the reason for that was a mutual dislike of actors. Garbo thought the game partner clumsy, Gable and Garbo in response accused of snobbery.

Her career ended early (1920-1941). Greta has always been a recluse, rarely signs autographs, avoid public events, do not attend the premiere of his movie, he did not respond to the letter and the fans did not give interviews.

The actress had never married, had no children, and her circle of friends was small. She was known for her long walks through the city, dressed casually and large sunglasses.

4.Ingrid Bergman (1915-1982)

One of the champions of the received "Oscars" - 3 "Oscar" (2 - "Best Actress", 1 - "Best Actress»).

Ingrid did not like the movie "Casablanca" and annoying when she asked about it. "I starred in so many films that were more important, but people are only interested in the film with Bogart».

She starred in three films of Alfred Hitchcock.

3.Odri Hepburn (1929-1993)

Well, what girl has not heard of the movie "Breakfast at Tiffany's" as well as about the very Audrey.

Since 1954, began performing in radio broadcasts, UNICEF, and soon after her last appearance in the movie Hepburn was appointed poslom.Ispytyvaya special gratitude for their own salvation in the aftermath of the Nazi occupation, she devoted the rest of his days, improving the fate of children living in the poorest countries of the world. < br />

"Little Black Dress" was created in collaboration with its Givenchy.Druzhbu with Givenchy actress has carried throughout his life, becoming his constant client. His first perfume L`Interdit Hubert is dedicated to Audrey.

"The figures show that Audrey died young. What the numbers do not say - it is that Audrey would have died young at any age "- Peter Ustinov

2.Bett Davis (1908-1989)

The first person in the history of world cinema, was nominated for 10 "Oscars».

The film "All About Eve»

The actress has won the "Oscar" award twice. After her death, the two figurines were purchased by Steven Spielberg, who returned them to the American Academy.

In the 1940s, filmmakers have tried in every way to emphasize the singularity of its "fish" the eyes and look with the help of lighting and makeup.
Finally, the first place we take ...
1.Ketrin Hepburn (1907-2003)

Catherine nominated for "Oscar" twelve times and awarded the prize four times - more than any other actor or actress in history.

City garden near the house where she lived, was called by her name.

As already mentioned, Katharine Hepburn four times received the award "Oscar". For the first time - for the film "Morning Glory", the second - for the film "Guess who's coming to dinner," the third "Oscar" she deservedly got for his film "The Lion in winter", and the fourth - for "On Golden Pond ".

Katharine Hepburn's character appears in a number of films. In 1977, the actress played Tola Feldshyu in the television movie "The Amazing Howard Hughes" in 2004 in the biographical drama of Martin Scorsese's "The Aviator," the role of Katharine Hepburn played Cate Blanchett received for his performance of "Oscar" in the category of Best Supporting Actress.

Catherine lived a long life and died June 29, 2003 ... And we are still happy to see "Philadelphia Story" and other great movies, where she played a talented actress.