Learn this good person?

But in his childhood were all afraid.
Millyar Franzevich George, chief Kashchei and Baba Yaga in the USSR
On the eve of the 85th anniversary of George Frantsevich invited to speak to the children in the concert hall "Russia". He learned that in the hall of 850 seats, the school bought albums for drawing and cutting the sheets into two parts, each of them with colored pencils painted flying in a mortar Baba Yaga and signed: "With love, GF Millyar." He said that he "wanted to leave a present for each rebyatenochku." And painted 850 pictures ... Early in the morning on the appointed day got old but neat and clean suit, put on your favorite bow tie and sat down to wait for the call. But did not wait: whether the concert was canceled, whether Millyar struck off the list of speakers, but for an actor no one came, and even did not bother to tell him to cancel the event ...