Movies about the movie
"Ed Wood" - a cocktail comedy-drama from Tim Burton tells the story of the zenith of fame American director Edward Wood Jr., who won the title of the worst director of all time. In the title role of Burton's muse Johnny Depp (well still). One realization that this movie maestro Tim filmed in noir style, making it desirable for viewing
"Boogie Nights." You should not shy away from this film, knowing that he is about workaholic porn genre - a picture of something with meaning, and deep. Naturally, children should not watch it. The most interesting, in my opinion, the role of Mark Wahlberg in his career
"Player" (1992). Crime drama about an official from the world of film art, who vlyapyvaetsya in big trouble. The main plus of the film - unpredictable plot
"Singing in the Rain" - a movie for fans of old school, because the picture was shot in 1952! This film is in the form of music and dance tells the story of the transition from the silent era to the traditional, sound. Patrimony diluted cinema history of a love triangle. Milo, for lovers of vintage romance
"Cool guy" - a great comedy with Steve Martin and Eddie Murphy (I personally look at all ready to Murphy everything). This is the story of an ambitious and a little silly Boufingere director who wants to shoot the most epic sci-fi action movie of all time, calling it "Chubby Rain." Boufinger embarks on different tricks to get dark-skinned in his draft action star - Keith Ramsey
If you do not like the films of Woody Allen, you just do not understand them - said one of the critics. The phantasmagoric comedy maestro "The Purple Rose of Cairo" things happen that would never happen in real life, but this is the charm of this picture of love simple waitress and the guy from the world of cinema (and this is not a metaphor - it really come from the screen)
"Boogie Nights." You should not shy away from this film, knowing that he is about workaholic porn genre - a picture of something with meaning, and deep. Naturally, children should not watch it. The most interesting, in my opinion, the role of Mark Wahlberg in his career
"Player" (1992). Crime drama about an official from the world of film art, who vlyapyvaetsya in big trouble. The main plus of the film - unpredictable plot
"Singing in the Rain" - a movie for fans of old school, because the picture was shot in 1952! This film is in the form of music and dance tells the story of the transition from the silent era to the traditional, sound. Patrimony diluted cinema history of a love triangle. Milo, for lovers of vintage romance
"Cool guy" - a great comedy with Steve Martin and Eddie Murphy (I personally look at all ready to Murphy everything). This is the story of an ambitious and a little silly Boufingere director who wants to shoot the most epic sci-fi action movie of all time, calling it "Chubby Rain." Boufinger embarks on different tricks to get dark-skinned in his draft action star - Keith Ramsey
If you do not like the films of Woody Allen, you just do not understand them - said one of the critics. The phantasmagoric comedy maestro "The Purple Rose of Cairo" things happen that would never happen in real life, but this is the charm of this picture of love simple waitress and the guy from the world of cinema (and this is not a metaphor - it really come from the screen)