The series, entitled "Seasons"
American artist and filmmaker Philip Haas (Philip Haas), inspired by the paintings of the great Italian masters of the era Vozrozheniya Giuseppe Arcimboldo (Giuseppe Arcimboldo), whose work is difficult to attribute to any genre, decided to create a similar series called "Seasons."
Guided by the paintings of the great artist, which merged with a still life portrait, Haas has created sculptures, representing the four seasons. His work is represented in the London Museum of Fine Arts - Dulwich Picture Gallery.
Drawn vegetables and fruits Philip Haas recreated realistic and very appetizing. Three-meter fiberglass sculptures are made of pumpkins, apples, bananas, lemons, grapes, plums, cherries, mushrooms, nuts, moss and other things. In each of them easily guessed time of the year. Spring, for example, is represented by colorful flowers and green leaves.
Summer - abundance of berries and fruits.
In grapes, blackberries and nuts easy to find Autumn.
Well, even the kids went out and brought the winter - dry twigs, moss, lemons and tangerines.
Philip Haas commented: I created the project "Four Seasons", wanting to combine the images of the XVI century Arcimboldo our - the twenty-first century. I can not think of a better place for his sculptures, garden than an art gallery. Thus, the luminous paintings by Giuseppe Arcimboldo managed to recreate their natural world.
Guided by the paintings of the great artist, which merged with a still life portrait, Haas has created sculptures, representing the four seasons. His work is represented in the London Museum of Fine Arts - Dulwich Picture Gallery.
Drawn vegetables and fruits Philip Haas recreated realistic and very appetizing. Three-meter fiberglass sculptures are made of pumpkins, apples, bananas, lemons, grapes, plums, cherries, mushrooms, nuts, moss and other things. In each of them easily guessed time of the year. Spring, for example, is represented by colorful flowers and green leaves.
Summer - abundance of berries and fruits.
In grapes, blackberries and nuts easy to find Autumn.
Well, even the kids went out and brought the winter - dry twigs, moss, lemons and tangerines.
Philip Haas commented: I created the project "Four Seasons", wanting to combine the images of the XVI century Arcimboldo our - the twenty-first century. I can not think of a better place for his sculptures, garden than an art gallery. Thus, the luminous paintings by Giuseppe Arcimboldo managed to recreate their natural world.