Happy Childhood

What should you do with your child to happy childhood memories were of a lifetime: 1. To let sunbeams. 2. Watch as the seeds germinate. 3. At the slide with high ice mountains. 4. Bring in from the cold water and put in a branch. 5. Cut the jaws of orange peel. 6. Look at the stars. 7. coins and shade leaves, hidden under the paper. 8. Shake the pencil to make it appear that he was flexible. 9. Leaky icicles under running water. 10. Prepare the caramel in the spoon. 11. Cut a garland of paper men. 12. Show shadow theater. 13. To let the pancakes on the water. 14. Draw a cartoon in the fields of notebooks.

15. Arrange a home in a box from the refrigerator. 16. Tat wreaths. 17. Do eruption of citric acid and baking soda. 18. Show the focus from the electrified paper figures. 19. Write a blueprint. 20. Make bryzgalki of the bottles and arrange battle. 21. Listen to the birds singing. 22. To let the chips with the flow, dig canals and dams do. 23. Build a tent. 24. Shake the tree branch with the child standing under it and arrange defoliation (snow, rain). 25. Watch the sunrise and sunset. 26. Admire the moonlight. 27. A look at clouds and think, what they look like. 28. Make a weather vane and a trap for the wind. 29. The glow in the dark flashlight. 30. Do octopus dandelion and pupae from the hips. 31. Go on a fishing trip. 32. Leave the body prints on snegu.

33. Feed the birds. 34. Do sekretiki. 35. Build a house of furniture. 36. Sit by the fire. Fry bread on the twig. 37. Run a kite. 38. Spin the child's hands. 39. Build a sand castle. Burrow. Dig deep well to reach the water. 40. Sitting in the dark, by candlelight. 41. Make the hell out of soapy hair. 42. Blowing into an empty bottle. 43. Repeat one word many times that it has turned into another. 44. To publish the winning cry Comanche. 45. surprises with its giant shadow and play catch-up with shadows. 46. Go to the center of the puddle. 47. Make notes milk. 48. Arrange a tempest in a teapot vody.

49. Buried treasure in a bowl of porridge. 50. make signs. 51. Make spouts of maple samaras, orders from thistles, earrings of cherries. 52. Blow on the fluff. 53. Leave a blade of grass in an anthill, and then try to formic acid. 54. There orpin suck resin lick birch sap and maple syrup, chewing a blade of grass. 55. Squeeze molds cookies. 56. strung berries on a blade of grass. 57. Play Cyclops. 58. Sing the chorus. 59. Repair favorite toy. 60. Blow bubbles. 61. Dress Up elku.

62. Whistling through the pod acacia. 63. make dollhouse. 64. Climb up a tree. 65. Play in ghosts. 66. Coming up with costumes and dress up. 67. Talk about dreams. 68. Knock in makeshift drum. 69. released into the sky balloon. 70. Organize a children's holiday. 71. A look at the world through colored glass. 72. Drawing on the sweaty glass. 73. Jump into piles of autumn leaves. 74. Start a meal with dessert. 75. Put your clothes on the baby. Photo
Source: mirfactov.com/