When you see the hour and a half movie
Blinking, man closes his eyes for 400 milliseconds. Thus, he sees six seconds of each minute. This, for example, means that for a half hour movie for the viewer "lost" for 15 minutes. Such data led Japanese scientists who choose to know - how when watching videos people manage to not miss important visual information. The experiment involved 18 volunteers: nine men and women aged 22 to 31 years. Blink each of them fixed the equipment. First, the test showed the TV show "Mr. Bean". Such a choice, scientists have proved that it is a dynamic video that needs attention, you can watch without sound, and so everything is clear. In the second phase the experience of the participants showed a sketch background with tropical fish and landscapes of the Aegean Sea. The third part of the volunteers listened to the audio book, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." Next, the scientists conducted a series of experiments again and compared data on the blink. "Our research - the first, which shows that the well-coordinated manner blink when watching videos. It seems that people unconsciously choose the best time to blink, to minimize the chances of losing important information, "- said one of the authors of the doctor Tamami Nakano (Tamami Nakano).
Source: mirfactov.com/