Parents parrots call their chicks even before they are able to communicate with them.

Parents parrots call their chicks even before they are able to communicate with them. A team of researchers from Cornell University, led by Carl Berg used the camera to record the communication process zelenohvostyh parrots passerine (Forpus passerinus) in Venezuela. The cells were placed in 16 nests of wild populations of parrots, founded in 1987. The study showed that even before the chicks begin to Twitter in response to the request of parents, the adults give each of them a special set of sounds, which are then used to talk to chicks. The grown chicks remember his name and sometimes a little change it to your liking, then to use throughout their lives. Parrots not only address each other by name, but also to use them to refer in conversation with each other. Researchers have tried to figure out the question of how wild birds are named - biological (self-assigning them to yourself) or social way (to get the name of another parrot). To do this, the researchers swapped the eggs in the nests so that half of the colony raised chicks that are not their genetic relatives. Video cameras recorded the names that parents give hatchlings, but they take root only when the chick took it and spoke to the parents of the selected set of sounds. This enabled the scientists to suggest that the names of parakeets - a feature of their society. Like humans, they are coming up with names for their children.
Source: mirfactov.com/