"Heartbreak Hotel"

you are unhappy in marriage and want to quickly end the relationship with your husband or wife? Dutch hotel Heartbreak Hotel (Heartbreak Hotel) will help you get divorced for 48 hours instead of a few months. The Dutch company began offering estranged couples divorce, which can be completed over the weekend with the help of lawyers specialists, child psychologists financial advisors, and even agents nedvizhimosti.

Under the scheme, warring with each other spouse pay about 2,500 euros, and the agency they reserve a separate room in a number of hidden, but specially selected luxury hotels in Holland and Belgium. As soon as the couple are organized, they enjoy five-star service in the hotel, while the experts are finalizing their divorce to the smallest detail. The idea is to give couples the opportunity to separate in peace and without acrimony. At the same time, both spouses must be firmly committed to the idea of divorce. If it is not, this idea is not effective. Divorce papers are completed and signed on the second day of the weekend, and given to the court.
Source: mirfactov.com/
Facts About Dreams
Parents parrots call their chicks even before they are able to communicate with them.