Breach of faith
1. In the north of Kamchatka, among small nationalities coastal Koryak, for centuries considered it an honor that the guest enters into an intimate relationship with the wife of the owner. To this end, the wife tried to look to welcome such a seductive, that he could not resist the temptation. When a year later by a friendly hostess appeared stranger child, the event celebrated the whole village as a great and long-awaited holiday. What is the reason? With the natural problems of a closed ethnic group. Infants born Koryak frail, ill and often died. Therefore, involvement of "loving the process" even a random person from the real salvation is considered bordering on the miraculous. 2. But the mainland Eskimos of Alaska and the Chukchi reindeer herders have practiced since ancient times transfer their wives in short-term lease. When the representative of a powerful clan was going to fish, he could always take a someone's wife from those that it insistently offered. During hunting the woman struggled to not only be a wonderful hostess, and ardent lover. And it's not in the loose morals of northern peoples, and also, as in the Koryak, in the care of the health of their future offspring. 3. The principles of sexual hospitality are well known, and the Australian Aboriginal tribe Arunta. Within a closed kind of living it is often extremely easy to share their wives. Just out of respect for each other. However, assuming that you like to master and he sincerely wants to bring you joy. In this case, to refuse the offer of sex black beauty was simply impossible. Outraged husband could easily interpret this refusal only as utter contempt for himself and his family. 4. Something similar was practiced in the mountain valleys of Tibet. It is also believed that if a guest "laid eyes" on another man's wife, then, is the supreme will of the gods of the Buddhist pantheon, and this is a very good sign, promising the people of different benefits. Tibetans generally believed that women are just as long is admirable, it is for someone desirable. Not by chance is considered bad manners to marry virgins. When this fact became known, that such a married couple banished from the village. Whatever it was, the ancient custom created for potential brides serious, sometimes insoluble problems. The fact is that before the wedding she had to devote at least two dozen men. In practical terms, it seemed deserted Tibet incredibly complex. Follow alone or with a puzzled mother go to steep mountain trails, waiting for days at the cliffs passing travelers, struggling to appease them and then beg newly Cavaliers some trifle. For example, a plain mirror, discreet beads, cheap bracelet. Not only in the memory. Mainly to confirm stern elders intercourse occurred at least 20 times - the number of gifts. Well, after a happy marriage, his wife had the duty to behave with the guests so that they have long remained indifferent to the charms of the hostess.
Source: mirfactov.com/