Mathematics will be "tough"
turns out that sometimes cope with math problems hinder us emotions, rather than lack of knowledge. Of course, if that knowledge is) came to this conclusion even proved with the help of fMRI results of the University of Chicago, - the Medical Xpress. For the study of such phenomena as the fear of mathematics, researchers recruited students who admitted this very fear. Before the start of the test or mathematical dictation guinea showed anything associated with one or another subject. After a few minutes, then I started the exam itself. All this time of brain activity was monitored by fMRI. It turned out that the reminder that now have to deal with mathematics, led to the fact that the subjects properly cope with an average of 68% of jobs. At the same time if a similar stimulation did not occur, the percentage of successfully completed problems were increased to 83%. For comparison, when no pretreatment thus test the students were quietly related mathematics, they could tend to solve tasks 88%. Tomograph also showed that the "mathematical anxiety" associated with activation of the caudate nucleus and adjacent subcortical structures. That is, those that are responsible for motivation, moral satisfaction and assess the risk of future action but not directly related to the solution of problems. As psychologists conclude, those who are afraid of mathematics, it is necessary to learn to cope with their emotions and to switch attention to the turmoil over the fact "that is," that we must do now.
Source: mirfactov.com/