Why useful raspberries
With the onset of cold weather in the autumn and winter season, all of us, unfortunately, are starting to hurt more often colds. Those of us who are not in a hurry with the first symptom of a run to the drugstore for pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of trying to use traditional remedies. One of the most popular, common and known to us from childhood - a raspberry. It is not only useful and has a pronounced therapeutic effect, but also extremely tasty berry.
Recipes based on raspberries for the treatment of various diseases has been used for hundreds of years. Our ancestors did not have the modern technologies, but were aware of the beneficial properties of this plant. With the research, scientists have found that the usefulness of raspberries is caused by the presence in it of a large number of vitamins, pectin, essential oils, malic, citric and salicylic acid, and sucrose. It is these components give the healing properties of raspberries. Raspberry syrup made from the berries used in the case of loss of appetite, and complaints of pain in the stomach. It is known that raspberry - excellent diaphoretic. Therefore, it is used in the treatment of colds as flu, tonsillitis and bronchitis. Malina has expectorant properties and is indispensable when you cough.
Razzies include healing of many charges. In addition to treatment, and it is used for cosmetic purposes. For example, raspberry leaves help fight acne and pimples. For sensitive skin, you can make a mask of ripe berries frayed. Flowers raspberries are used to prepare the broth, which is well relieves inflammation of the eye. Raspberries need to know how to collect and harvest. Because it makes berries syrup, juice, jam, and they are dried. To prepare dried raspberry fruit you must first podvyalit the sun. Then dosushit in a special dryer or a warm oven.
Source: happywoman.com.ua/articles/pochemu-polezna-malina/