Most chocolate Easter egg

By Easter Argentine pastry prepared the biggest Easter egg in the world of delicious chocolate and put on the main square Bariloche.

Record chocolate egg on which it took as much as 4 tons of chocolate, turned to 8, 5 meters high and 5 meters in shirinu.

Over sweet masterpiece worked 27 confectioners led by Hugo Sosa outstanding cook as much as 2 weeks in order to have time for the holidays, and see firsthand the champion came hundreds of Argentines and guests hot strany.

After the Guinness Book of Records recorded the record, wonderful egg is placed on a special wooden frame, smashed to pieces with the help of cranes and distributed to all prisutstvovavshim.

It turned out that the chocolate monster broke the previous record (set up in Belgium easter egg), only 20 centimeters in height, but still won the competition so pleasant.
See also: Painted live chickens - Easter 2012. You are 10 thousand of these Easter eggs on one apple.
Source: podrobnosti.ua/kaleidoscope/2012/04/13/831680.html