Why is scratched a mosquito bite?
If you still do not know, you know - not all mosquitoes bite, but only their females. Males quietly live their lives by eating the nectar from the flowers. In principle, "komarihi" can also feed on nectar, but without blood, they simply can not lay eggs. As they seek their prey? Here these Diptera rescues the ability to find a living being because of momentum, heat and smell of the latter. After landing on the skin of a human or animal mosquito gently enters his hollow proboscis into it, feeling the tiny capillaries, where the blood flows. The process of saturation lasts 30 seconds, sometimes minutu.
As a rule, the very first bite is not felt. Perhaps you do not even know that you "lunch." However, if you are bitten by far time, the body becomes sensitive to the proteins that are contained in the saliva of the mosquito. Because of this, on the site of "prick" there is a small swelling, which will be scratched. However, over time the body can get used to these proteins and buzzing insects will not bother you so much. It's funny that people are a favorite treat mosquito. Another thing is a rat or a buffalo. What we do not please them? The fact that our blood contains a small amount of amino acid isoleucine, which is formed through eggs. However, this is the problem of mosquitoes ... See also: Mosquitoes can fly in the rain.
Source: pochemu.su/pochemu-cheshutsya-komarinye-ukusy/