He returned on broken legs

In England lost ginger cat named Horace was able to return home itself, despite the fact that he had two broken legs. In total, the animal was not at home for 18 days. According to the owner the cat, 38-year-old Kara Hayward, after loss of Horace, she began putting up ads on it, I began to call in every possible instance and reported fugitive in veterinary clinics. However, all the results proved no more lost cats favorite of the family Hayward. In the end, Horace was able to find his way home and came home on the porch of their owners. When the cat discovered, it turned out that he was going home on broken legs. Animal inspected veterinarian who pointed out that in this state Horace would have lived another five to ten days, if not in time to come home. Horace was operated on, and now he is recovering after experiencing the adventure. Under what circumstances cat has broken foot, is not specified. Cases where lost animals back home even after many years, sometimes taking place in different countries. So, one of the latest such story took place in Germany, where a cat named Poldi reunited with owner after 16 years of wandering. See also: The cat survived after falling from 19th floor. A cat named Frank and Louie two muzzle. Cats know how to manage people. The cat made friends with the fawn. Australian student has developed video games specifically for cats.
Source: korrespondent.net/strange/1340854-v-anglii-poteryavshijsya-kot-dobralsya-do-doma-na-slomannyh-lapah