Apple transformation
laws of physics about the transformation of energy and mass in common is: "If in one place something to lose anything, the other will arrive." Does this mean that the person who just got the jackpot, make someone infinitely unhappy? In honor of the birthday of one popular Russian portal has published an unprecedented in its "cruelty" an act of cutting hacksaw Apple New iPad. If somewhere so enchanting killed one gadget from Apple, then someone should see them more? And there is. And if some effort, there will be "apple" gadget can have. It is only necessary to know the place ...
The company "Kagocel" [1] holds "VKontakte» (http://vk.com/kagocel) video competition. It's simple: it is necessary to remove a funny video on "How cold is dangerous for life and health" and send it to the specified address until May 27. All works will be published on the channel "Kagocel" on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/user/kagocel). Winners waiting a generous reward - iPod Touch 4, Monster Beats headphones or laptop Apple MacBook Pro 13 ". For more information about the conditions of participation here: vk.com/page-21737489_43779647. A sample video of colds can be found here www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1A8cneUmS84.
[1] Kagotsel® - a new antiviral drug for the treatment and prevention of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infection, which combines the properties of an inhibitor of viral reproduction and effective stimulator of the immune defense.
Source: mirfactov.com/
Lightning with eight "tails", beating into a bridge in California San Francisco - Oakland Bay.