Subway cars for women only

Harassment in public transport - an international problem, but the Japanese railway companies have found an effective way to combat this scourge, firing trains and subway cars for women only. It is known that Tokyo - very crowded city, and it's especially noticeable (literally) at peak hours, when employees subway passengers are pushed into the cars so that the doors close properly. In such a stampede at the perverts appear ideal conditions to polapat immobile passengers. Usually the trains, each engaged in the business: reading a magazine, check email, or talking on the phone - but some men do not miss an opportunity poprizhimatsya standing next to the women and to feel them, saying all sorts of obscenities. This type of harassment, which the Japanese call «chikan», takes place every day in the big cities of the country of the rising sun. Unfortunately, most women prefer to stand and endure in silence because they are accustomed to the fact that in Japanese society always and everywhere dominated muzhchiny.

However, the government still went toward the weaker sex and allowed the Japanese railway stations introduce special cars for women only. Some passengers are transported throughout the day, some only during the rush hour. These cars are also allowed young children, seniors and disabled men. Japanese police arrested each year thousands of men accused of harassment in public transport. And in recent years, those who had been falsely accused and those who are afraid of being falsely accused, asked to railway stations and cars released only for men. See also: 10 facts about Japan. Carried away by the Japanese tsunami ball found in Alaska. The Japanese caught from the Pacific Ocean more than 140 thousand dollars.
Source: www.newsland.ru/news/detail/id/809240/