Stealing underwear

Sometimes a hobby can be not only the country but also disgusting. For example, it has managed to collect taylandets 10,000 pairs of women's underwear, fortunately, history is silent about what he did with it, it is a matter of personal fantasy of everyone. The most interesting thing in this whole story - the way he got it good. The man was arrested by local police while trying to rob a house in Bangkok. When police searched his house, in addition to the stolen property and was found this pile of laundry. In addition to these 10,000 couples in his car he was found still 1000. The man admitted that he engaged in stealing women's underwear from 18 years (at the moment it 48). See also: Unusual hobby British - run from the payment of restaurant bills. The largest in the history of bank robberies.
Source: www.bugaga.ru/news/1146731622-taylandec-ukral-10000-par-nizhnego-belya.html