Non-standard forms: the richest and most successful Models- "fatties"

These girls do not pace yourself diets and do not worry about the extra inches around the waist. This approach does not prevent them to enter into contracts with the leading fashion houses and shooting for prestigious magazines. size models "plus" we changed the attitude of the fashion industry to women with non-standard forms.
Tess Holliday. About career in modeling American Tess Holliday (real name - Ryan Hoeven) dreamed of since childhood. However, a predisposition to be overweight and constant ridicule of peers forced her to give up the dream. Everything changed in 2011, when 25-year-old Tess noticed producers Heavy reality show.

After that fell first offer of cooperation. Incidentally, it was at this time the model size "plus» (plus size) coming into fashion. Great changes have taken place in the American career at the beginning of 2015. Tess shot for Vogue magazine and has signed a contract with modeling agency MiLK Model Management. To date, this is the "big" plus size model in the format. With the growth of 165 cm girl wears clothing size 58 (XXL).

Velvet D'Amour. modeling career American Velvet D'Amour tried to start, when she was 21 years old. Although she weighed 53 kilograms, in a modeling agency, where she went to look for work, she was told that she was too "fluffy". Velvet Dream - to conquer the world of fashion - came true when she was 38. By that time, her weight reached 120 kilograms, and clothing size established at XXL. Female producers noticed a modeling agency, and some time later received an offer to act as a model in the fashion show by Jean Paul Gaultier and John Galliano.

Today, 47-year-old Velvet D'Amour is one of the most successful models of the size of the "plus". In an interview, she admitted that she previously equated thinness of beauty, but now, thanks to the current career, she changed her point of view. With the growth of 167 cm Velvet is the 58th clothing size.

Ashley Graham. The favorite magazines Vogue and Glamour, 27-year-old American Ashley Graham got into the modeling business by chance.
Since childhood, she was predisposed to be overweight and have not dreamed of catwalks and photo shoots. But fate decided otherwise: in 2000, Ashley noticed modeling agency assistant, when she was walking with her friends at the mall. So, at the age of 12 years old girl was in the modeling business.

At various times, the model size "plus" was shot for magazines like Vogue, Glamour, O Magazine, worked with the manufacturer of underwear Lane Bryant. Today, Ashley Graham continues to work with various fashion brands, and also produces its own line of lingerie plus size format. With the growth of 175 cm Ashley wears size 58 clothes.
< Chloe Marshall. In 2008, the 17-year-old Chloe Marshall won a beauty contest in Surrey, and then won the title of first runner-up England . This event surprised many, because unlike the other contestants with a wasp waists and narrow thighs, Chloe was very "fluffy" woman - with growth of 177 cm weighed 80 kg and had a 50th clothing size

After a successful performance at the beauty contest Chloe began to receive job offers. Today, 24-year-old girl is working with several modeling agencies, including the Ford Modeling Agency, and with the brand of lingerie Lane Bryant.

Flavia Lacerda. A chance meeting with a photographer Mode magazine at a bus stop in New York turned out to be fatal for Brazilian Flavia Lacerda. The girl with the curvaceous invited to cooperate as a plus size model.

After working with the Mode to Flavia noticed Vogue and Plus Model Magazine. Career sharply went up the hill. Today, 34-year-old model is working with model agencies USA, Italy, Canada and Australia. A woman recently became the face of the brand LAB27, specializing in clothing for women plus size. With the growth of 177 cm Flavia weighs 84 kg and wears a size 52.

Ekaterina Zharkova. In the Russian model plus size format is not as popular as in the West. However, our girls are beginning to slowly develop in this direction. To date, one of the most successful models with a curvaceous 34-year-old Ekaterina Zharkova.

Russian woman came to fame in 2011 after she appeared in a provocative photo shoot against "anorexic" beauty standards with a model wearing 40th size clothing.
Today, Catherine most of his time working abroad, particularly in the United States. At various times, the Russian has collaborated with brands like Forever 21 and Silver Jeans, shot for Cosmopolitan, MAXIM, PLUS Model Magazine and other prestigious magazines. With the growth of 174 cm, the model weighs 82 kilograms and is 52 th the size of clothes.

War of the Worlds would seem that the model with standard forms and format of the model plus size should not compete with each other, let alone fight. However, oddly enough, skirmishes still occur. In late 2014 a famous brand of lingerie conducted an advertising campaign for the filming of which attracted the most miniature models parameters. Photographs of girls completed the slogan "perfect body».

To many, this approach seemed to be offensive, especially models with non-standard forms. At the beginning of April 2015 a manufacturer of lingerie plus size, together with a group of well-known models launched an advertising campaign response, "I'm no angel" in protest against the imposition of public certain standards of beauty.

The campaign, according to its organizers, is intended to prove that all women, regardless of clothing size, girth hips and waist, sexy and attractive.
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