Apocalypse Today: 11 Dread shots of Earth to be seen

Since the Industrial Revolution, which occurred in the mid-18th century, it took more than 260 years. During this time, mankind has managed to not only add to the number, but also to change the Earth beyond recognition, and not for the better. Environmental organization Foundation for Deep Ecology has prepared a series of photos from different parts of our planet, showing the impact man is having on the Earth.
Yellow River. Huang He or Yellow River (China) - the third longest river in Asia. Once it was called "the cradle of Chinese civilization" and the most prosperous region in early Chinese history. To date, according to the report of the Commission of Nature Protection of the Yellow River, more than 33 percent of its system clean. Blame - sewage nearby cities and factory waste is drained into the river. One of the side effects of pollution - the stench. In the photo - a local shepherd who works on the river bank

Vanished forest. For the expansion of the reservoir in the national forest Villamet (Oregon, USA) was cut down hundreds of old trees. Each felled trees over 100 years old.

On the verge of extinction. Due to the drought and poaching elephants in Kenya were on the verge of extinction. Only a few hundred individuals were killed in the last couple of years.
"Elephants are dying of hunger. When food is scarce, their immune system is weakened, they are picked up by different types of disease and die, "- he said in an interview with The Associated Press the head of the project" Save the Elephants "Dr. Ian Douglas-Hamilton
. In the photo - a famous Chinese basketball player Yao Ming next to the carcass of a dead elephant

In the fire. In the Amazon jungle (in Brazil) from time to time flash fires. This happens not because of the drought, but the fault of the local ranchers. It is noteworthy that farmers are satisfied with the fires to update the pasture for the new season - before the rains. Often these fires get out of control. The photo - Cattle grazing near the forest fire covered

Plastic Island. Halfway between Japan and California is a tiny island of Midway (part of the US). People do not live here, the island is dominated by albatrosses. For many years, Midway is a kind of transshipment point for plastic waste floating on the North Pacific. And this despite the fact that the island is a National Nature Reserve! Island Coast line cover a ton of plastic. The efforts of enthusiasts to clean up Midway - that drop in the ocean
. Due to the contamination of the island albatrosses are killed. According to biologists, at 99, 9 percent of albatross in the digestive system are constantly plastic waste. Birds do not just eat the plastic, but they are fed their chicks.
In the photo - dead albatross with a pile of plastic garbage in the stomach

Scary closely. Every year more and less "natural landscape" is in Mexico City - the most densely populated city in the western hemisphere. If you look at the Mexican capital with the bird's-eye view, it will appear as a giant carpet, woven of countless houses standing very close to each other. For today in the city according to official data 20 million people. On one square mile for almost 10 thousand inhabitants. This is more than twice the population density of the Russian capital.

Even worse things are in New Delhi. In the Indian capital on one square mile for more than 30 thousand people.

Swamp of mud sand. The oil fields of Alberta (Canada) were discovered in 1947. Today, in addition to traditional methods of oil production in the region and use alternative methods, involving the development of the oil sands. Environmentalists estimate this method of production very negatively. Unlike traditional it requires a lot of energy. Another side effect - seepage from underground bitumen emulsion, which becomes the cause of death of wild animals. It looks like an industrial region with a bird's-eye view.

On the crest of the garbage. Another record for overpopulation - the island of Java in Indonesia. On the area of 128 297 square kilometers, is home to nearly 150 million people. Today it is the most populous island in the world. However, the main problem of this place - pollution. In the photo - Indonesian surfer caught a "wave of garbage»

Breathe heavily. In the UK at present about one third of the country the necessary energy is generated by coal power plants. Despite the constant reminders of environmental organizations that this method of energy production is extremely dangerous for the environment, the government of Albion is not going to switch to alternative methods.

Hazardous production. In 2007, the city of Dzerzhinsk (Russia) was introduced in the Guinness Book of Records as the dirtiest city in the world. Since Soviet times, this city was considered a major center of the chemical industry. For 70 years (from 30's to late 90's.) In Dzerzhinsk was buried more than 300 tons of various chemical waste. The average life expectancy in the city is 42 years for men and 47 years for women.

Scientists believe that the most significant influence on the Earth humanity has provided the past 65 years. According to research team member of the International Programme for the Study of geosphere and biosphere, strongly affect the environment people began in the 50s of the last century. Prior to that, according to the professor at the Australian National University in Canberra Will Steffen, the Earth was in the so-called state of stability. Now, scientists believe, humanity and the planet entered a new phase - the Great acceleration
. "What will happen next, even scary to imagine," - says Will Steffen
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