Parrot told the police his address

Last week budgie Pico, who lives in Yokohama (Japan) fluttered from the cell directly into the window of a few days and traveled through the streets of the city. His 64-year-old housewife Fumie Takahashi had not hoped to see again their favorite, but the parrot turned out to be very ingenious and able to return home, taking advantage of the help of the local police.
Pico was on the run for more than three days, then flew to the hotel and landed on the shoulder of one of the visitors. Employees of the hotel decided that the bird was lost and carried her to the police station. Guardians of the order pretty quickly solve the case, as the "fugitive" he cracked, and gave them the coordinates of its hozyayki.

Police decided to interrogate random talking parrot, and, to everyone's amazement, the Pico really told them your full home address, including house number and even zip code. "We did not expect that we will find its owner in a way," - said one of the policemen.
Fumie Takahashi nearly jumped for joy when she was told that her feathered friend finally found something. She said that she taught the Pico repeat your address and phone number after five years of it flew off and never came back another budgie. See also: Parrots give names to their children. Amazing bird "air show" in Scotland. Kea - a carnivorous parrots that prey on sheep.
Source: drunov.ru/news/poteryavshegosya_popugaychika_vernuli_khozyayke_posle_togo_kak_on_soobshchil_politseyskim_svoy_adres/