Exclusive wedding

55-year-old Briton Anne Clark calls himself "the registrar animal" or, in other words, organized weddings for pet dogs and cats. Such a profession for many may seem silly and pointless, it nevertheless brings its possessor to 20, £ 000 per wedding tseremoniyu.

Four years ago, Clark began to advertise their unusual services online. She did not know what would happen, but it soon turned out that a lot of people like this idea. Thus, in just a few months, "the registrar of Animals" has acquired an impressive number of clients and had the opportunity of full-time to do what she really is a pleasure.

The cost of the humble canine Noces is £ 150, including rental and lawn decoration, where the ceremony will take place, as well as assistance in making the marriage vows. However, most owners spend on their wedding ceremony furry pets much more - from several hundred to several thousand pounds. For example, one lady has not regretted 32, $ 000 on a grand wedding, which, among others, attended Harper and 3-meter-high chocolate fountain.

Today, Clark managed to hold dozens of ceremonies and says that her services are still in great demand. Normal dog or cat's wedding begins with a festive lunch in the house of the Clark, where guests are served champagne, people and animals - milk. About an hour later begins a long-awaited wedding ceremony, the bride and lead on a leash, or bring to the altar in the middle of the garden, where she was already waiting groom. Brac announced husband and wife, then they arrange a photo shoot for the family album. And at the end of the official part of the celebration was deeply moved home zakarmlivayut their pets Suite with all sorts of goodies. See also: In the US, there was a first channel for dogs. Why some people are afraid of dogs? Faithful dog owner waiting for the third year in the place of his death. Screaming like a man Shih Tzu dog was a new web sensation. In the United States I was born the smallest dog in the world.
Source: drunov.ru/news/zhitelnitsa_britanii_ustraivaet_eksklyuzivnye_svadby_domashnikh_zhivotnykh_foto/