Why is female so sincerely loves soap operas?

Many men annoying habit of constantly looking women some endless melodrama and soap operas. How to explain this habit psychologists why the female sex so sincerely loves soap operas? According to experts, review series is readily available source of essential woman experiences and emotions. When his own life uneventful and happy experiences - quite successfully replace the series lack vivid experiences in reality.
The creators of the television series, in order to attract as many spectators standing, often use a number of special techniques, acting as a kind of "flavor enhancer". With these techniques, spectators experienced an almost physical craving for watching movies serials liked.
In the movie it is much brighter than in real life - there are also obvious villains and brave heroes, full of nobility. The series often has elements of a luxurious life that is indifferent majority of the fair sex.
By the way, men are less dependent on TV, just each of them chooses the most appropriate for themselves the spectacle. With the view of certain transmission occurs illusion of belonging to a common scale, important events, which "masks" for the viewer's own inertia and passivity.
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Source: otvetin.ru/kinotvmusic/26745-pochemu-zhenshhiny-lyubyat-serialy.html