Gadgets as heroes

Fans of movies and games are always happy to get a souvenir or T-shirt with a picture of their favorite characters. And in our collection - the most interesting electronic gadgets made in the form of recognizable characters cinema and gaming industrii.

First on the list is Homer Simpson, a perfect example of the natural laziness and idleness. «Simpsons Homer USB Desk Light» - Lamp Desktop connects to the PC via USB. Cost of fun - about 600 rubles, and for the realization of the idea say thanks to the company WESCO.

We now turn to the characters of Star Wars. Darth Vader - the hero is not very positive, but recognizable - it painted black helmet with nothing to confuse. Actually, this remarkable detail Costumes and served as inspiration for the unknown, but a creative producer. Only 1 500 rubles we get not only the head Vader, but USB-hub. Individual bonus is Vader breathing sound when connected ustroystva.

The next step Spiderman, perched on a USB-rocket launcher «Spider-Man USB Missile Launcher». And here superhero - is unknown, but the toy itself is very interesting. Specialists from Dream Cheeky offer us for 1 500 rubles to get this USB-pistol, charged with three missiles. The gadget connects to your computer and is controlled via special software. Physical target and firing sound prilagaetsya.

Referring to the movies, or rather, a series of paintings of inflexible boxer Rocky Balboa. Approximately 900 rubles, you can buy a USB flash drive as the main character, his friend Apollo or the enemy of the third film. And in addition to the USB flash drive and we get another incentive to self: when any of these drives connected to your computer, it will start to do the exercises at press.

Angry Birds game to date one of the most popular themes for creating different gadgets. There was "evil birds" and place in the line of portable speakers Magic Sound of companies xDevice. People far from the topic of mobile gadgets, Model Magic Sound-01 "sparrow" remind a child's toy. But do not buy the exterior: the gadget in the form of a bird is a powerful portable sound system that can be external speakers for any device with vyhodom3.5 mm. In addition, Magic Sound -01 supported memory cards and has a built-in FM-radio. This device will cost 890 rubley.

xDevice Magic Sound MS-03 "Pig" is slightly different arrangement of the controls, as its characteristics are similar to "sparrow". Speaker models both pointing down, so the surface on which the heater operates as a resonator for the strengthening of a loud sound. The price is similar to MS-01, 890 rubley

At the end of a small digression - not quite the character, but certainly recognizable personality. Meet the cute robot with logo Android, model xDevice Magic Sound MS-02. Managing this portable loudspeakers made "cruelty" - by sharp turns of the head of Android. Price is the same - 890 rubles.
Source: mirfactov.com/