Exotic retro gadgets

Life is boring without a bit of madness. A person gets tired of the monotonous change of day and night, unable to go beyond the usual course of things. Even the most exquisite pleasures are eaten up someday. Only a sincere passion for creativity and a taste for invention cannot get bored.

The XX century entered the history of mankind as a time of technological revolutions. No previous era could boast such an abundance of breakthroughs in the development of technology. The conquest of the cosmos, the domestication of the atom, the creation of a computer – these epochal discoveries completely transformed humanity, giving people a lot of new opportunities and the illusion of omnipotence.

In the 20-30s of the XX century in Europe and America there was a real technological boom. It seemed to many that technology can turn a person’s life into an earthly paradise, saving him from monotonous work, decorating life with a thousand pleasant little things and providing trouble-free helpers. History shows that the dreams of the pioneers of the technological revolution were not so utopian.

Very prolific in technical terms turned out to be a brief period of calm between the storm of two world wars – the solar thirties. It was a time when the most bizarre inventions were born, many of which can be compared with butterflies of the day. Of course, the main criterion for most inventions was practical value. But ideas seemed to be born out of thin air, and their technical embodiments were extraordinary.

Especially lucky in this regard, the newborn car industry. The original inventions crumbled like a cornucopia. It is a pity that some of them did not develop further.

What do you think of this prototype unicycle? Original, isn't it? Most likely, driving such a car was not very convenient and very unsafe occupation. But this "careless ride" looks at least interesting.

And this 1932 picture shows the great-grandfather of the GPS navigator. Of course, there is no talk of any electronics or satellite signal here: at that time the Earth had a single satellite – the Moon. In addition, a linear “interactive” map, which is charged with the navigator, depicts a single road. As the car moved along the route, the map was rewinded from one reel to another. And the speed of rewinding depended on the speed of the car.

Another common passion of the early XX century is gigantomania. The huge airship “Graf Zeppelin” and the infamous “Titanic” are the most vivid examples of this aesthetic madness. Smaller giants met literally at every turn.

Here, for example, a sliding “house on wheels”, in which to arrange short-distance races at the time. This design was able to accommodate a couple of dozen people. Does that remind you of anything?

With the increase in the number of cars, city streets and rural roads have become very unsafe. In the absence of the usual road markings, traffic lights and pedestrian crossings, accidents often occurred on the roads - often fatal.

In order to somehow reduce the frightening statistics, the designers proposed to install a special protective net on the front of the cars, catching pedestrians who are stuck and preventing them from getting under the wheels.

It is unlikely that such a grid would save someone’s life in our time, but for slow-moving cars of the early XX century with their high clearance, such a decision was quite justified.

Experiments were in full swing and in the field of cycling. Here's a typical amphibious bicycle. An indispensable thing during spring floods or sudden flooding. Thanks to the massive floats, he could keep a rather heavy rider on the surface. Although it is unlikely that such a bike was designed for a long life. One dive must have been enough to make the metal frame rust.

Another variation on the bicycle theme is a two-story structure that embodies the ideal of outdoor activities for a family of four. Note that only three members of the family enjoy the trip fully - the mother manages to combine a walk in the fresh air with household chores. However, the stability of this design is much more worrying.

And this creepy invention is clearly inspired by the horrors of the First World War. Many people call it the “Chemical War.” In its fields, humanity learned the deadly power of chemical weapons. So in the 30s, when this invention was made, the problem of protecting civilians from gas attacks was very burning.

However, technological progress was not limited to different modes of transport. Original inventions appeared in almost all areas of life.

For example, this extravagant retro gadget, built into the then fashionable straw hat, was a portable radio receiver, with the help of which a respectable gentleman could enjoy his favorite radio programs wherever he pleased - in his own garden or at a cafe table. Compared to the monumental radios of that era, this device looked very compact.

An extremely useful tool for those who like to read lying down without raising their heads. By the way, such an invention could find fans in our time. Not a bad idea for modern kulibins.

What about this charming gnome girl? She does not have a headdress on her head, but one of the first prototypes of modern hair dryers.

At the beginning of the XX century, environmental awareness and taste for a healthy lifestyle have not yet become fashionable. At that time, the passion for tobacco was quite common. The thirties and forties were the golden age of the tobacco industry.

Is it possible to imagine in our time advertising devices for smoking in rainy weather? In the '30s, it was easy.

Do you have a double mouthpiece that allows you to smoke two cigarettes at the same time? In the modern sense, it is a weapon of mass destruction.

In fairness, it is worth noting that ingenious devices were used not only to stimulate bad habits, but also to preserve beauty.

For example, these transparent beaks were designed to protect the faces of Canadian fashionistas from the corrupting influence of blizzards and snowstorms. The ladies in them looked like bizarre birds, but the skin of the face throughout the winter remained tender and velvety.

Another valuable accessory to combat age wrinkles is a cosmetic mask with cells for ice cubes. It certainly looks scary in the process. And the feeling, I suppose, is not pleasant. As they say, “If you want to be beautiful, be patient.”

However, among the many ingenious inventions of varying degrees of usefulness, there are artifacts that seem to be the fruits of a sick imagination.

Is it difficult to understand the logic of the inventor of this revolver, who pulls the trigger and takes a picture of his target? The results of such a “photo hunt” are better not to show.

Of course, most of the inventions presented are interesting to us, mainly due to their extravagance. Many of them are dead-end branches of technical evolution. But did not the dreams of former gadget geeks come true? Did not the fashion of the 30s for extravagant inventions lead to a real boom in household appliances, radically changing the way of life of modern man?

No matter how ridiculous and ridiculous these inventions may seem to us, they played a very important role in history, clearly demonstrating that human imagination is boundless, and technology is a special kind of art. published

P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!

Source: www.cablook.com/mixlook/ekzoticheskie-retro-izobreteniya/


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