Indian student
native of India, 16-year-old schoolboy Shouriyya Reyu that the last four years living with his family in Germany, solved the problem of the theory of particle dynamics, which could not be solved over the 350 years the best minds. In particular, at the time he suffered a setback and a famous physicist Isaac Newton. Shouriyya decided to try to deal with theories, just to check their own abilities. "I just wondered - told the young genius. - Initially, I could not count on the fact that I will be able to find a solution. " Thus, the opening of the 16-year-old Indian will allow scientists to solve several scientific issues. In particular, experts are now able to calculate the exact trajectory of the ball bounces off the wall. Shouriyya long been interested in mathematics and love to the exact sciences he instilled father worked as an engineer. See also: Four-Englishwoman passed the IQ-test 159 points. In the Book of Records was an Indian boy has 34 fingers. 12-year-old "Rapunzel" Brazil will sell scythe to make repairs in the apartment. In Britain, the five year old boy was first tonsured. The girl-wolf got into the Guinness Book of Records.
Source: www.utro.ru/news/2012/05/27/1049095.shtml