Vehicle color

Cars red are the most likely to be marked birds.
The red cars were marked birds in 18 percent of cases. The second and third place ranking settled blue (14 percent) and black (11 percent) of the machine. Less interest in birds called white (7 percent), as well as gray and silver (3 percent) vehicles. Rarer birds labeled green machines (1 percent). The study also found out how much longer the drivers clean off bird droppings. Only 17 percent of those surveyed motorists said that immediately wash the stool, and 20 percent said that taking action for several days. The majority (55 percent) reported that they are waiting for the next car wash. The remaining 8 percent of drivers said that he did not take on this occasion no action. The study involved 1 000 140 vehicles in five cities in the UK: Brighton, Glasgow, Leeds, Manchester and Bristol. Bird droppings are extremely dangerous for the body of the car, so it is advisable to clean off it as quickly as possible. According to experts, the stool-eating birds grains and cereals, the most harmful to the machine. Thus, for motorists pigeons are more dangerous than a seagull. According to experts, in the UK drivers spend about 57 million pounds (89 million dollars) to repair damage caused by exposure to bird feces on the car paint.
See also: Find out about all the of your favorite colors. The guy from Kazakhstan with his hands gathered Rolls-Royce. In New York, presented a flying car. In Amsterdam, launched a floating bus. The Chinese invented a car that runs on wind.
Source: news.rambler.ru/14446389/