Whales found a new sense organ
Whales are the largest mammals on Earth in the modern world. Cetaceans, especially whales have the largest size of animal - the blue whale (blue whale) has a body length of 25 m (the largest 33 m), and weight - 90-120 m. All cetaceans, including whales, dolphins and porpoises, are descendants of terrestrial mammals of the order Artiodactyla.
According to the molecular genetic data and cetaceans and artiodactyls are cetartiodactyla, which includes whales, hippos and all other even-toed ungulates. Furthermore, these data are hippopotamus closest living relatives whales. They are descended from a common ancestor about 54 million years nazad.Kity moved to aquatic life approximately 50 million years ago. For the mere ingestion of sea water, the whales are able to swallow and filter about 80 m3 of water and get 10 kilograms pischi.
Like all mammals, whales breathe air using lungs, are warm-blooded, feed calves milk from the mammary glands and have some (though rather small) wool. Body fusiform, like the streamlined body of the fish. The fins, sometimes also called flippers, are lopasteoobrazny views. At the end of the tail fin is of two horizontal blades, which plays a stabilizing role and provides a forward movement due to vertical movements. During their recent research, scientists have discovered a new sensory organ in whales, which is responsible for the mechanism of power. Horny plates of the upper jaw to help marine animals that filter water, managed, like the rest of the jaw, a special sensory organ the size of a grapefruit. It is this body chin to eat whales dive to a depth of wide-open mouth and swallows a few thousand liters of water for a few seconds.
Source: infuture.ru/article/6228