"Doctor's" sausage
Many people wonder why the "Doctor's" sausage called "Doctor." To answer this question it is necessary to know the history of this produkta.
In 1935, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union ordered the Meat Industry Research Institute has developed a recipe for sausage, which could be included in the diet of dietary (medical) power supply for patients treated for the effects of prolonged fasting. Initially, the sausage would be called "Stalin", but then changed their minds, suggesting that the president can not take the initiative and send formulators in the torture chambers of the KGB. Therefore, when the sausage recipe was ready, it decided to call the "Doctor", for the purpose of its primeneniya.
As guests in the recipe "Doctor" sausage 100 kg included 25 kg of trimmed beef premium; 70 kg of pork tendon removed bold; 3 chicken eggs; 2 kg of dry cow milk, whole or skim; spices and preservatives: 2, 09 kg of table salt; 7, 1 g of sodium nitrite; 200 g of sugar, or glucose; 50 g of ground nutmeg or cardamom.
The population quickly evaluate the quality and, most importantly, affordable product. But as it usually happens over time, the quality of sausages was to deteriorate. The feed cows and pigs started adding fish waste, sausage beginning to smell "the sea." This mockery of the recipe "Doctor" sausage began in the 70s. The lack of high-quality meat in the Soviet Union led to the fact that the sausage began to add a variety of additional products, the most popular at the time was soybeans. Next on the long-suffering "Doctor's" sausage began to be added carrageenan (Irish moss), and from it made "carrageenans" - thickeners, artificial food additives. It is also rumored that the "Doctor's" sausage during perestroika added toilet paper. You can not even imagine how distorted was the original flavor of the product. Now the brand "Doctor" sausage is not a patented product. As a consequence, each manufacturer produces sausage own recipe.
Source: nevozmozhnogo.net/faktyi/pochemu-kolbasa-doktorskaya.html