Is it true that in Soviet times sausage was tastier and better quality?
Those who lived in the USSR with special nostalgia remember the gastronomic tastes of that time. And the bread was different, and ice cream, but on a special account there is always sausage. Her taste was special and unique, according to eyewitnesses. Today's edition. "Site" try to figure it out sausage. And what a place on the dining table it occupies with modern people.
The range of sausage products in the Soviet Union was very different. This was primarily due to the regional location. First of all, sausage was supplied to shops in Moscow, Leningrad, the capital of the republics. In the second place of supply were special "closed" cities. Due to the complex production in these cities, they had special supplies. And then there were all the others on a residual basis. Therefore, it is not surprising that many residents of the great country saw sausage only on holidays. If you are lucky enough to stand in line for such a desired product.
The quality of the sausage, of course, was very high. We have already written that the quality of food was monitored very strictly and adhered to established GOSTs. After the trip of Anastas Mikoyan to America, various factories of the food industry began to appear in the USSR. In 1933, the first meat processing plant was opened in Moscow, which was later named in honor of People’s Commissar Mikoyan. The factory, like many others, was built in America and then transported to the Soviet Union. Together with the factory, the American government passed on the recipe for the production of meat products.
Later, the plant's technologists have independently developed dozens of types of sausages, which are so loved by the inhabitants of the country. So there were sausages "Doctor", "Amateur", "Tea". All these sausages were available to the people of the great country. And they made them from meat, without adding baking powder and dyes. They were even included in a special diet. Gradually, the issue of providing the inhabitants of the country with protein products began to improve. Even the favorite Olivier salad hostess cooked exclusively with sausage And if you could grab "Doctor's", without lard, then the salad turned out just amazing.
By the seventies in the Soviet Union, the range of sausage products became wider. Foreign types of sausages began to appear from Finland, Romania, Hungary and even Spain. German sausages, American sausages – all this could be tried in the Soviet Union. Not everyone is. If someone managed to go to the regional city or even to Moscow, the sausage was purchased for the whole family. To at least try what it tastes like, except for "Amateur." Trains in those days smelled like sausage, because everyone in the bag had at least a stick of cheese-dried and smoked sausage.
Today in supermarkets refrigerators are filled with various types of sausages, sausages and sausages. The technology of meat production, with the collapse of the Soviet Union underwent changes. Many factories in the nineties were closed, pastures were cut. It took more than a decade to establish the process of sausage production. Yes, the taste of sausage is very different from that usual in the USSR. But there are conscientious manufacturers who are trying to somehow bring production to the long-forgotten GOSTs.
And every sausage lover will find a product in the store that will satisfy him. After all, still most people continue to eat sausages, and children are just delighted with sausages. Which sausage do you prefer to eat? Write in the comments the name of your favorite product.

The range of sausage products in the Soviet Union was very different. This was primarily due to the regional location. First of all, sausage was supplied to shops in Moscow, Leningrad, the capital of the republics. In the second place of supply were special "closed" cities. Due to the complex production in these cities, they had special supplies. And then there were all the others on a residual basis. Therefore, it is not surprising that many residents of the great country saw sausage only on holidays. If you are lucky enough to stand in line for such a desired product.

The quality of the sausage, of course, was very high. We have already written that the quality of food was monitored very strictly and adhered to established GOSTs. After the trip of Anastas Mikoyan to America, various factories of the food industry began to appear in the USSR. In 1933, the first meat processing plant was opened in Moscow, which was later named in honor of People’s Commissar Mikoyan. The factory, like many others, was built in America and then transported to the Soviet Union. Together with the factory, the American government passed on the recipe for the production of meat products.

Later, the plant's technologists have independently developed dozens of types of sausages, which are so loved by the inhabitants of the country. So there were sausages "Doctor", "Amateur", "Tea". All these sausages were available to the people of the great country. And they made them from meat, without adding baking powder and dyes. They were even included in a special diet. Gradually, the issue of providing the inhabitants of the country with protein products began to improve. Even the favorite Olivier salad hostess cooked exclusively with sausage And if you could grab "Doctor's", without lard, then the salad turned out just amazing.

By the seventies in the Soviet Union, the range of sausage products became wider. Foreign types of sausages began to appear from Finland, Romania, Hungary and even Spain. German sausages, American sausages – all this could be tried in the Soviet Union. Not everyone is. If someone managed to go to the regional city or even to Moscow, the sausage was purchased for the whole family. To at least try what it tastes like, except for "Amateur." Trains in those days smelled like sausage, because everyone in the bag had at least a stick of cheese-dried and smoked sausage.

Today in supermarkets refrigerators are filled with various types of sausages, sausages and sausages. The technology of meat production, with the collapse of the Soviet Union underwent changes. Many factories in the nineties were closed, pastures were cut. It took more than a decade to establish the process of sausage production. Yes, the taste of sausage is very different from that usual in the USSR. But there are conscientious manufacturers who are trying to somehow bring production to the long-forgotten GOSTs.

And every sausage lover will find a product in the store that will satisfy him. After all, still most people continue to eat sausages, and children are just delighted with sausages. Which sausage do you prefer to eat? Write in the comments the name of your favorite product.
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