Freedom and soft power

< Seva Novgorodsev
For the musician sound - the main thing. I played jazz saxophone and I needed a mouthpiece. I even know - what. It did in America.
In January '67, I went to the Intourist, the hotel "European" to pass the language exam. Looked at me with curiosity and suspicion - that of a bird, a saxophonist from Lenkontserta? But still enrolled in courses. We had to deal with every day for eight hours, to teach English thirteen cultural sites.
When a glib journalist now asks - what my favorite piece of art, I always say, a five-ton mosaic "Forced Circumcision Tatar Pioneer." I met with the immortal works in the Museum of Religion and Atheism, which was located in the Kazan Cathedral on Nevsky.
Museum of now is not, and what had happened inlaid mosaic of my favorite pioneer, I do not know. I only know and remember that he fought bravely for his foreskin, which coveted arm of the Muslim fanatic with a sharp knife.
As far as I remember, none of my foreign customers are not interested spill or Piskarevsky. I had a chance to drive American students, a group of English schoolboys, a delegation of British unemployed, but most of these were tourists class "luxury" that relies personal car with a driver and a personal tour guide, that is me. Four hours of the morning, four hours after the meal.
I was able to sustain only 45 days. As Americans irritated me loud it is not always passed through the mind screaming colorful clothes in the style of their national flag, undeveloped sense of humor. Their prejudices I have carried through life and the United States is still making the rounds party.
And yet, there is in this country an enviable life force, the fountain of creative thought, which throws light on white what yesterday and did not think. The secret of success, as they say, is to create a product which humanity does not yet know, but without which he could not live.
Computer operating systems, the Internet, in all its versatility, search engines like Google, giving instant answers to any questions, social networks, connecting people with the same interests, lightweight tablets, the system of e-books, flea market worldwide Ebay and much more.
All of this is not clear from appearing in America, spreading rapidly through the world. All of the above, it is unclear as to generate a giant cloud of money, create employment, build the economy almost from scratch.
On these days the stock market output Twitter, the volume of shares is estimated at 17 billion. Not bad when you consider that the business created in 2006 by a small group of like-minded, who were not at all sure that their idea take root and be in demand. Today it is - the phenomenon of world order.
Twitter shows a new economic concept in which people will show their preferences. They send "tweets", not because of someone makes, not because they are lured by advertising.
The energy of the masses, expressed in algorithms, first used in the Google acquires new kinds of expression.
All that is born in the depths of American society. It produces new technologies that are changing the world. These technologies, more than US military power, enhances US influence on the ground.
This so-called "soft power».
This is the same force that created jazz and rock 'n' roll, grunge and rap, tap dance and breakdance.
All that nobody taught.
All that was born on the very manured black earth of American freedom.
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