Facts about tickling

One of the most pleasant sound to our ears is a laugh, and laughter is the strongest often caused by tickling. Parents tickle the kids to call their sonorous giggle and tickle lovers more like flirting or innocent affection. In some places people are most vulnerable to tickling, and whether you can tickle a man to death? Here are the answers to these and other questions relating to tickling. 1. Itchy helps us sblizhatsya

Tickling can not only cause laughter, but also helps us to build relationships. In the 19 Vecchio Charles Darwin noticed that tickling is a mechanism for social cohesion. It serves as one of the first forms of communication between mother and child. It also helps to build links between the friends and the psychologist of the fifth, the highest degree of social games, including proximity and cognitive interaction. 2. We can not themselves poschekotat

If you touch another person can lead to tickling, why can not we tickle ourselves? Scientists suggest that the cerebellum may differentiate our unexpected touch sensations from the expected, and it suppresses the reaction of tickling. When we try to tickle yourself, the brain anticipates this and prepares to tickling. Possibly, different reaction to the expected and unexpected appeared in humans in order to better defend against enemies. 3. The most sensitive places - these are the most vulnerable places in the attack 85,332,656
The soles of the feet and armpits are considered two of the most ticklish places on our body. In addition, most of the places that are sensitive to tickling, such as the neck, chest, genital area and are the most vulnerable in combat. In the armpit takes axillary artery and Vienna, and it provides easy access to the heart, which is not protected by the rib cage. The neck also contains two important arteries in the body that supply blood to the brain. Trachea, which carries the air into the lungs, is also located in the neck. 4. Tickling is a system alert our tela

As well as itching, tickling can protect us, directing our attention to external stimuli such as predators or parasites. This type of tickling called knimesis - light tickling, laughter and rarely causes inherent to humans and animals. Scientists have found that the feelings that we experience when we are tickled, make us panic, and are a natural defense mechanism to creeping insects, such as spiders and beetles. 5. Tickling can turn into pytku

In history there have been occasions when tickling used as corporal punishment. So there is evidence that the Nazis used tickling as torture. Also, the ancient Romans used a special kind of torture. They tied offenders, dipped their feet in the salt water and forced to lick her goats. Over time, the tickling became very painful. As for the death of tickling, there is evidence that a person could die of laughter, so theoretically it to some extent possible. 6.Chem older, we are less sensitive to schekotke

Is tickling child's play? Share truth in this, as people younger than 40 years is 10 times more likely to be tickled than those over 40. And it's not because adults do not like tickling, just with age there is a gradual decrease in tactile sensitivity. 7. Itchy can ostanovit

How to do it? Put your hand on a man tickling you. This trick often used the doctor. When a doctor wants to examine the patient's abdomen, he may ask to put his hand on his. So how would you are doing the same actions as a doctor, that makes your brain think you tickle yourself. The problem is only to grab her hand tickling. 8. Itchy helps pohudet

If tickling makes you laugh strong, it leads to burning calories. Scientists have found that 10-15 minutes of laughter burned 10-40 additional calories per day, which could mean a weight loss of several kilograms per year. Of course it is not the same as going to the gym, but if you decide to lose weight, every calorie counts. 9. Tickling can deliver sexual udovolstvie

For some people, the tickling of virtually any part of the body gives them pleasure, and there are those who are excited by watching how others tickle. In a broad sense, tickling can serve as a form of foreplay. However, knismolagnii - excited by tickling, it becomes a form of sexual fetishism. 10. Why do we laugh when we tickle?

This is a major unsolved issue concerning the tickling. Laughter is usually associated with humor and fun. But tickling it occurs uncontrollably, without being associated with a joke or a funny incident. Sometimes the process even tickling can be unpleasant and painful. So why do we laugh?
Source: www.infoniac.ru/news/10-interesnyh-faktov-o-shekotke.html