10 tricks

There are things that we believe can make almost everyone. But if you're like most people in the world, then, no matter how you try, you will not be able to do it. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule, which will be shown in some cases. But our body is designed in such a way that some tricks are almost impossible. 1. Raise one eyebrow. How to learn to raise one eyebrow?

The ability to raise the eyebrows is an evolutionary feature. Baboons, mandrills and Capuchins raise eyebrows in a gesture of threat. While most people can not raise an eyebrow, it can be learned. - Start with the fact that keep one eyebrow down with one hand and with the other hand lift the second. - Keep practicing this position in front of the mirror to understand what muscle movements involved in it is lifted eyebrows. - Once you are familiar with the "mechanism", try to do it without using their hands. - Train in front of a mirror until you do not get. Good luck!
2. To lick your lokot

We know that 99 percent of people can not lick your own elbow, and 90 percent of people who reported about it, just try to do it. For some people, this task is doable, and every day about 5 people are trying to apply to the Guinness Book of Records the ability to lick your elbow. 3. Stir ears. How to wiggle your ears?

Not many people in the world is able to wiggle their ears, scientists have found out why. In contrast to the facial muscles from ear muscles have their own accessory nerve in the brain stem. Compared with animals, especially cats and bats, in humans, this part is very small. If you can not wiggle their ears, there are a few tips that will help you achieve this: - To learn how to wiggle their ears, to find the muscles that move them. - Widely smile and see how your ears pripodnimut slug. You can also compress your molars (molars) to feel the muscles. - Repeat this movement several times to develop the muscles that move the ears. 4. Take the tongue to the tip of the nose or podborodka

The ability to touch the tip of the nose or chin language is genetic osobennostyu.Okolo 10 percent of people can perform this action, and 5 times more people with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which causes hypermobility of joints. If you belong to the few who can do this trick, you can practice: - Pull out the language in a straight line in front of him, like "putting an end" tip of the tongue. - Lower the upper lip down over the top row of teeth. - Help yourself lower lip, tighten the language on top of the upper lip to reach the nose. Remember that not everyone can do it. 5. Language of straw and other tricks yazykom

Previously it was thought that the ability to roll tongue into a tube is genetic and is determined by the presence of a dominant gene. Curl language is often a tube is a kind of test that indicates the presence in the class of dominant and recessive genes. However, subsequent studies on twins have shown that this ability is influenced by both genetics and Wednesday. Here are a few tricks with the language that most people can not do. 6. sneeze with open glazami

We can not sneeze with your eyes open, because sneeze center in the brain sends motor impulses agreed to the nerves controlling the muscles of the press, chest, diaphragm, neck, face, eyelids and various sphincters, and it all happens automatically. If you keep your eyes open during a sneeze, if they could fly out of orbit? Leading from the TV show "Mythbusters" have tried to do it. 7. Tickle very sebya

Almost every one of us has areas sensitive to tickling, and close friends know how to take advantage of it. However, one can not tickle myself, and this is a scientific explanation. The fact chtomozzhechok responsible for this reaction, anticipating our own movement and cancels the response to other regions of the brain samoschekotku. 8. The trick with his fingers: "paralyzed finger"

Perform the following experiment: bend your middle finger as shown in the picture and set his hand on the table. Now try to lift the thumb, index and little finger. A teperpopytaytes lift the ring finger. Did not work? The fact that your finger tendon independent of each other, except for those that are in the middle and ring finger. These tendons are connected, and therefore, when the finger is bent, you can not move my ring. There is a feeling that the ring finger is paralyzed. 9. Trick feet: draw the figure 6, moving the foot clockwise strelke

You can do several things at once? Try the following experiment. Sitting on a chair, lift your right leg and foot, draw circles clockwise. While you are doing this, draw the number 6 right hand. You will find that your foot has changed direction. Try also to twist right foot counterclockwise and simultaneously draw a figure 8 with your right hand. Another trick: simultaneously turn the index fingers of both hands clockwise. First, do it slowly, and then add speed. Perform the task as quickly as possible, and soon both of your finger will move in opposite directions. 10. How long can hold his breath? 11,668,221
In general, a person is able to take twice as long to hold their breath under water than on land, holding his nose and mouth (the record is 10 minutes). The average person can hold his breath for 30 seconds - 2 minutes under water. Record breath under water, which is owned by freediver Stig Severinsenu and is 22 minutes.
Source: www.infoniac.ru/news/10-tryukov-kotorye-vy-ne-smozhete-prodelat-so-svoim-telom.html