What can be done under water

fact that we live on the land does not mean that we can not just live under water. For example, 9 cases, which can be performed under water. 1. Listen muzyku

Group «Lower Keys Chamber of Commerce», in conjunction with the radio «US-1" 104.1FM hold annual Underwater Music Festival in Florida. The musicians played under the water, but the students did not dare to enjoy music in a suit diver, and prefer to stay on land, because the music was fed on dry land through the speakers. 2. Arrange pohorony

Neptune Memorial Reef, located three miles from Key Biscayne, Florida, is an underwater graveyard, which offers a place for those who really loved the water. The corpse cremated, the ashes are mixed with cement, after which remains attached to the plaque and sent to the ocean floor. The cemetery, whose designer is Kim Brendell, located at a depth of 40 feet. 3. Ride velosipede

«Discovery Diving» every year on July 4 holds bicycle racing underwater in Beaufort, North Carolina. Fundraising from this event go to help children in orphanages. 4. Arrange svadbu

You have to be at the right time in the right place to get married underwater research station Akvaris, near the Florida Keys. But since Otto Ruttan and Lynn worked there, they were able to link their fate directly on habitats in 1996. However, if you just want to take a vow of fidelity to the bottom of the sea, the guys from Pro Dive International on the beach you will arrange it! Before the triumph of the couple to be a serious exercise, and here guests will be on land, watch the live broadcast from the seabed. 5. Mash spinku

Resort Huvaven Fushi in the Maldives offers visitors the world's first massage at the bottom of the sea. The idea presented by Richard Hywel Evans of Studio RHE. Glass walls add to the exotic relaxation during a massage. 6. Pospat

Underwater Lodge in Key Largo, Florida - a former research laboratory in the mangrove lagoon. To get to your room, you have to dive under the water. Since this room is located at a depth of 21 feet underwater, it is the perfect place to embark on an underwater journey. 7. Send pismo

If you want to send a letter in an unusual way, you can do it under water. Yes, there is a special post office and mailboxes in the Bahamas; in Risør, Norway; Sabah, Malaysia; St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands, and Port Vila, Vanuatu. Most of them are closed as quickly as it opened, but their existence is proof that mail can be performed under water. Vanuatu at this office also has a special website. 8. Enjoy iskusstvom

MUSA (Museo Subacuatico de Arte) - an underwater art museum near the island of Cancun, Mexico. About 400 sculptures made by Jason Taylor deKair very easy to consider being in the tank, while snorkelling or on a glass bottom boat. Next → 9. Pokushat

Ithaa - is the name of the underwater restaurant in the resort of Hilton Maldives Resort & Spa. The walls and roof are made transparent and semi-circular to get huge feeling of being under water. It accommodates up to 14 visitors, some may even go down the spiral staircase that goes to a depth of 5 meters.
Source: horofun.com/interesnoe/9-veshhej-kotorye-mozhno-sdelat-pod-vodoj-8-foto-video/