Young grandmother

29-year-old Shem Davies became a father for 15 years, and grandfather - in 29! He was still in high school, when he had a daughter, Tia. Now, 14 years later, Tia gave birth to Gracie, making his 29-year-old father of one of the youngest grandparents UK. The funny thing is that when my grandfather came to see his granddaughter and daughter in the hospital, the nurse demanded his passport, because took his 16-year-old husband Tia.

1. Happy family: parents Jordan (15 years) and Tia (14 years old) with a newborn daughter Gracie and parents Tia - 29-year-old Shem and his ex-wife, 30-year-old Kelli.

2. The girl was born prematurely. Doctors have decided that the best way - make Tia cesarean section. Baby Gracie weighed only 900 grams at birth. She was placed in an incubator, but, thank God, baby gains weight quickly and in a few weeks will go home with mamoy.

3. A week after the birth of her mother Tia Gracie was 15 years old. Birthday is celebrated in the hospital, but she says her daughter - this is the best gift that one could ask for.
Source: bigpicture.ru/?p=333139