Hotel prison
hotels are different and they differ not only by the number of stars above the main entrance! We already wrote about the most unusual hotels in the world, which are arranged in a tree on a volcano or even built from concrete pipe! It's time to talk about another wonderful place, once in which the guest immediately feels like a prisoner ...! Unique Hotel Alcatraz (Hotel Alcatraz) in London - a copy of the military prison of the same name in San Francisco, which is considered one of the most formidable! 86,967,706
The London hotel is opened only for a week as part of a PR firm new serial movie, which the unfolding events in the aforementioned military prison. You have to be very brave man to stay in this extreme location numbers are converted into prison cells instead attendants walk through the corridors of specially trained "officers" and schedule coincides with the regime of prisoners.
The hotel is completely reconstructed the interior of the 1950s, when the American prison Alcatraz was in its heyday. The only thing that definitely will please guests - is food. It was believed that good nutrition can prevent violence among prisoners, this tradition has been preserved until now. As for the rest - a colony of strict regime!
Features of the facilities - a bed with a mattress, a toilet, sink and two shelves. Metal cups specially brought from a museum in San Francisco, to preserve the authenticity of the hotel. Exactly at 18:30 half-baked "prisoners" are populated to their "chamber" is produced uniforms of prisoners, and their life is painted by the minute. Feeding on the clock, morning exercises and mandatory community service (tailoring craft) - mandatory program of everyone who dares to live "behind bars"! 62,775,053
Unforgettable memories of the days spent in this unusual place is guaranteed to every visitor, but it's safe to say that this is the only hotel in the world, where parting not want to hear: "Come! We hope to see you again! "
Source: www.kulturologia.ru/blogs/170312/16284/