Change your body

To get used to the role and play it perfectly, at times, not enough acting skills, make-up and a good knowledge of the text. Sometimes the actors and actresses have to make more substantial sacrifices than a waste of time. For the role in the film "Dallas Buyers Club" where Matthew McConaughey (Matthew McConaughey) plays an AIDS patient electrician, the actor had to lose weight almost 14 kilograms.

Anne Hathaway (Anne Hathaway) has donated not only the weight by going on a diet with a maximum intake of 500 calories a day, but shorn hair. After all, her character of the film "Les Miserables" was ill with tuberculosis and was engaged in prostitution.

Christian Bale (Christian Bale) dropped almost 30 kilos for the role in the Oscar-winning "fighters".

If you've seen Rooney Mara (Rooney Mara) only in the role of Lisbeth Salander, the heroine of the film "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", the "original" you can not learn. The actress really did piercing.

Actually, if you had to prefer the European version of the picture, Noomi Rapace (Noomi Rapace) also had to go through the piercing.

Once is not changed Matt Damon (Matt Damon), he lost weight and tolstel, and for the latter project was all bald.

Ryan Gosling (Ryan Gosling) intentionally gaining weight in order to play in the film Peter Jackson's "The Lovely Bones." However, the result did not find common language with the director and was replaced at the last moment Mark Wahlberg.

Charlize Theron (Charlize Theron) - quite sexy actress. However, few would call it sexual role of serial killer Aileen Wuornos. For the sake of the "Oscar" the actress added to its weight more than 13 kilograms.

Natalie Portman (Natalie Portman) is hardly pyshnoteloy. However, for the role in the film "Black Swan", she had to sit on a diet, and about a year to spend on rehearsals with these dancers.
With weight loss or addition of understanding. But Steve Carell (Steve Carell) had to make great sacrifices. He's really lost his body hair in the film "Forty years of a virgin." So you can believe, cry during epilation real.

For Renee Zellweger (Renee Zellweger) was not too difficult to put on weight of the order of 11 kg, for the filming of the movie "Bridget Jones's Diary» .

Tom Hanks (Tom Hanks) is also good for the lost role in the movie "Cast Away." A character based on Robinson Crusoe was played terrific actor.

Surely, everyone remembers the young Alicia Silverstone (Alicia Silverstone) in the clip «Cryin '» group «Aerosmith», but not everyone knows exactly what she was doing really imagine a navel piercing and emotions in the video was genuine.

Singer and actor 50 Cent is committed literally incredible. For the role in the film "Different things," the rapper dropped more than 22 kilograms, sitting on a liquid diet and daily running. It's hard to believe, but all in all, the actor took a little over nine weeks.

Little hard to believe, but it's a fact. Eric Bana (Eric Bana) really played the brawny hero in the film "Inside Look". For the role had to eat a huge amount of junk food, with about 12 kilograms, as well as to decorate the body time tatuirovkami.

About the same weight, only lost, Emile Hirsch (Emile Hirsch) for the role in the Sean Penn film "Into the Wild» .

Source: re-actor.net/movies/6422-who-changed-body-for-movies.html