Travel facts
Many of those who once made a transcontinental flight, faced with the state of lethargy and apathy in the new location. Usually people associate this condition with fatigue from flying, but it's not quite true: bad health often comes from the fact that we cross thousands of kilometers in just a few hours and do not comply with human biorhythms local time. Throughout the world, this state is called the Jet Lag.
Jet Lag Syndrome occurs only in those who fly in the east or west direction. When driving north or south of this effect does not occur, as we do not cross time zones. And flights to the West, by the movement of the sun, milder than Vostok.
The appearance of unpleasant symptoms after a trip are also associated with age. Scientists have shown that the new time zone is most easily adaptable children. The older the person, the greater the likelihood of Jet Lag.
Painful condition after the flight can not be safe, especially for people who have chronic diseases. The process of acclimatization in conjunction with a long adaptation to the new time zone may exacerbate nedugov.
Correction method of biological rhythms are now seriously concerned scientists, many of them are studying the problem at the gene level. Currently, the most effective and safe way to "take stock" of the biological clock is receiving melatonin, the pineal gland hormone synthesized analogue, which is called the "sleep hormone". Admission melatonin should begin in a couple of days before the flight and take a few weeks - it will help the speedy adaptation to a new time zone.
Source: melaxen.ru