Luxury shelter

This bomb shelter may be the most comfortable and luxurious way to survive the apocalypse predicted by the Mayans. Ron Hubbard is engaged in manufacturing high-quality and high-tech underground shelters. I must say in connection with the approaching date of the alleged end of the world income of his business literally vzleteli.

1. That is to say, the corridor leading to the living room bomboubezhischa.

2. These luxury seekers to withstand explosions, exposure to nuclear and chemical weapons, equipped with beds, kitchen, wash toilets and even fireplaces. Ron calls them the "air raid shelters to rest" and sells for an average price of 75,000 dollarov.

3. "I'll go down to one of the shelters on December 21 just because I have it, - said Ron. - I've been selling seekers astrophysicists, who believe that there is a possibility of strong solar flares and huge amounts of radiation. I spend three days in the shelter, just in case. If you have a shelter, it is better to go there, too. I do not think the world will end, but you never know for sure ».

4. Spur asylum Ron is 3 meters in diameter and 15 meters long. They have emergency tunnel with hatches that can be opened only from the inside and sealed the room between the entrance and the living chastyu.

5. "I started doing them, because I wanted to make a shelter, but did not want to pay for that 1-2 million. Many people buy shelters in case of the worst scenario. How, for example, people buy fire insurance for your home ».

6. "We started with the sale of one shelter per month and reached sales of one in the day posleprezidentskih elections. Many are afraid of the economic crisis, while others just want to be safe in case of any disaster. " The shelters computer system allows us to observe what is happening on poverhnosti.

7. "People like those of asylum. It is also a great place to relax, for example, in nature, so do not have to sit in them and wait for the catastrophe ».

8. Girl with a water pump in ubezhische.

9. 15-foot shelter is lowered to the ground.

10. The Bomb Shelter at the roadside in Montebello, California.
Source: bigpicture.ru/?p=356861