Inside the Vault
The author writes: Though officially considered that MoEHE (local air defense) has its origin in the October 4, 1932, when the Council of People's Commissars adopted "Regulations for air defense of the USSR", its first event MoEHE held in March 1918 in Petrograd After the aerial bombardment of the city by German aircraft. Also, by 1932 it was already built thousands of shelters in the 500-kilometer border zone. In one of them I visited the author of this photo essay. After World War II, based on the experience gained MoEHE has steadily continued to improve. It was then built this shelter (late 40s - early 50s of last century). With the advent of nuclear weapons, as well as increased capacity of delivery, MoEHE starts by a new wave of development. In 1961, the MoEHE converted to the familiar civil defense
Refuge at the Institute of RAS as well as most other shelters were dual purpose. Now it is no longer used, but before it was carried out training on GO. There was even a shooting range in the corridor between the emergency exits.
Next to the emergency exits on the wall fixed cells which are bags with masks and first-aid kit. Each bag has a tag with the name of the Institute which is set.
In addition to the standard sets, there are specific designed the object groups. For example, in addition to the exploration of a gas mask kits and even provided a dosimeter VPRH (military unit chemical reconnaissance) and protective clothing. All this rests on the shelves and already distributed into different groups. As in the case of standard packages, there is also the whole estate. Each harboring knew his duty and had everything necessary for their implementation and their own security.
Pulling out of the bag one AI (kit individual), we were surprised to find that it is fully equipped, including banned nowadays preparations Class A - Taran and promedol (For retrofit kits drugs class in time of peace is required to obtain a permit for possession of narcotic substances) .
The first room next to the emergency exit - classroom. On board was the scheme of the Institute to other shelters in the area.
Wardrobe in the corner scored manuals on civil defense.
By training employees in this institution approached seriously. A drawer filled with the filmstrip on all topics GO. All signed and divided by themes.
On the table in addition to the estimated civilian rulers are reports with pictures of the on-site training for civil defense.
Despite the view of an abandoned asylum no dust and almost everywhere there is light. Rather it is in the process of repair and sluggish down the people here regularly.
In the next room is a stock stretcher, various drawers and a set of test tubes for the determination of toxic substances.
Opening the box, which had to lay smoke bombs, we have found a strategic reserve of filmstrips.
In the same room, for the cabinet, was found a great poster with the thesis which I fully agree.
The next room, though large, but it was almost empty. This is where, during the war, will be hidden.
And while it stands alone display stand civilian gas mask GP-4U sectional.
Apparently the prospects for the books "Advanced radiation beam materials processing technologies," No, they are just unpacked bundles lie in the corner asylum.
Transparency "Ready civil defense ****** - to the level of modern standards!" Against the general state of the refuge looks sarcastic.
Behind a door marked "Storage of GO 'GO warehouse was indeed, and fully stocked. Here as well as near the emergency exit, bags all signed. Interestingly, these people still work at the Institute, or have not?
On the shelves in the closet on a variety of badges, hygrometers, goggles and so on. D.
Dosimeter DP-63.
If we consider the shelter as a living organism, after the GO warehouse, we moved to the "light" - a filtering room. The abundance of tools once again confirm the version that is in the structure of Sluggish repairs. In the photo you can see an abundance of white tubes. That it is clean air in ventilation mode.
If we consider the shelter as a living organism, after the GO warehouse, we moved to the "light" - a filtering room. The abundance of tools once again confirm the version that is in the structure of Sluggish repairs. In the photo you can see an abundance of white tubes. That it is clean air in ventilation mode.
Under the regime of air Filtration systems additionally passed through a filter absorber, where it is cleansed of toxic substances and bacterial agents. Yellow designated intake pipe reaching to the filters. For these two modes in the shelter provided its air intake.
There are three modes of ventilation in the shelter. For the third (regeneration mode) does not have its air intake, as it is designed to clean indoor air shelter from carbon dioxide and enrich it with oxygen. Pipes associated with regeneration mode turns red as fire extinguishing systems and pipes.
Most likely in the shelter are regenerative installation switchgear 150/6
Another small room-warehouse. Here are stored pharmacy bags, as well as a large selection of boots identical.
If HLF - a "light" shelters, the communications center is his hearing and speech.
In the room are boxes with the Soviet army-man-pack radios, VHF P-109 and P-105M, and the box with the power amplifier UM-2. Get to open boxes and we did not, so the only picture that was already open.
Next to the bathroom is signalers access to the building from the top and the battery.
The building we were not going, we do not want unnecessary problems, so we went to the battery
In a small passage between the door was a small rack with slide projectors, and other equipment filmoskop.
Another block to harbor which is now used for storage of theatrical costumes and small decorations.
But that is not all. Somewhere there must be a civilian office of the chief, we fast during the inspection did not find refuge.
It is not strange sought Cabinet heads turned at the door, on which hung a pig mask.
It is clearly time stopped decades ago.
Even a calendar hanging in 1989.
I like to be in shelters, factories, research institutes here are corners where nothing changes for many years, and all remained in their places as the telephone switchboard "MIG" and old trёhprogrammny receiver "Mayak-202."
Few ponastolgirovat on the situation of the last century, we have closed all offices, turned off the lights and went home to fill up the remains busy night.
Source: saoirse-2010.livejournal.com

Refuge at the Institute of RAS as well as most other shelters were dual purpose. Now it is no longer used, but before it was carried out training on GO. There was even a shooting range in the corridor between the emergency exits.

Next to the emergency exits on the wall fixed cells which are bags with masks and first-aid kit. Each bag has a tag with the name of the Institute which is set.

In addition to the standard sets, there are specific designed the object groups. For example, in addition to the exploration of a gas mask kits and even provided a dosimeter VPRH (military unit chemical reconnaissance) and protective clothing. All this rests on the shelves and already distributed into different groups. As in the case of standard packages, there is also the whole estate. Each harboring knew his duty and had everything necessary for their implementation and their own security.

Pulling out of the bag one AI (kit individual), we were surprised to find that it is fully equipped, including banned nowadays preparations Class A - Taran and promedol (For retrofit kits drugs class in time of peace is required to obtain a permit for possession of narcotic substances) .

The first room next to the emergency exit - classroom. On board was the scheme of the Institute to other shelters in the area.

Wardrobe in the corner scored manuals on civil defense.

By training employees in this institution approached seriously. A drawer filled with the filmstrip on all topics GO. All signed and divided by themes.

On the table in addition to the estimated civilian rulers are reports with pictures of the on-site training for civil defense.

Despite the view of an abandoned asylum no dust and almost everywhere there is light. Rather it is in the process of repair and sluggish down the people here regularly.

In the next room is a stock stretcher, various drawers and a set of test tubes for the determination of toxic substances.

Opening the box, which had to lay smoke bombs, we have found a strategic reserve of filmstrips.

In the same room, for the cabinet, was found a great poster with the thesis which I fully agree.

The next room, though large, but it was almost empty. This is where, during the war, will be hidden.

And while it stands alone display stand civilian gas mask GP-4U sectional.

Apparently the prospects for the books "Advanced radiation beam materials processing technologies," No, they are just unpacked bundles lie in the corner asylum.

Transparency "Ready civil defense ****** - to the level of modern standards!" Against the general state of the refuge looks sarcastic.

Behind a door marked "Storage of GO 'GO warehouse was indeed, and fully stocked. Here as well as near the emergency exit, bags all signed. Interestingly, these people still work at the Institute, or have not?

On the shelves in the closet on a variety of badges, hygrometers, goggles and so on. D.

Dosimeter DP-63.

If we consider the shelter as a living organism, after the GO warehouse, we moved to the "light" - a filtering room. The abundance of tools once again confirm the version that is in the structure of Sluggish repairs. In the photo you can see an abundance of white tubes. That it is clean air in ventilation mode.

If we consider the shelter as a living organism, after the GO warehouse, we moved to the "light" - a filtering room. The abundance of tools once again confirm the version that is in the structure of Sluggish repairs. In the photo you can see an abundance of white tubes. That it is clean air in ventilation mode.

Under the regime of air Filtration systems additionally passed through a filter absorber, where it is cleansed of toxic substances and bacterial agents. Yellow designated intake pipe reaching to the filters. For these two modes in the shelter provided its air intake.

There are three modes of ventilation in the shelter. For the third (regeneration mode) does not have its air intake, as it is designed to clean indoor air shelter from carbon dioxide and enrich it with oxygen. Pipes associated with regeneration mode turns red as fire extinguishing systems and pipes.

Most likely in the shelter are regenerative installation switchgear 150/6

Another small room-warehouse. Here are stored pharmacy bags, as well as a large selection of boots identical.

If HLF - a "light" shelters, the communications center is his hearing and speech.

In the room are boxes with the Soviet army-man-pack radios, VHF P-109 and P-105M, and the box with the power amplifier UM-2. Get to open boxes and we did not, so the only picture that was already open.

Next to the bathroom is signalers access to the building from the top and the battery.

The building we were not going, we do not want unnecessary problems, so we went to the battery

In a small passage between the door was a small rack with slide projectors, and other equipment filmoskop.

Another block to harbor which is now used for storage of theatrical costumes and small decorations.

But that is not all. Somewhere there must be a civilian office of the chief, we fast during the inspection did not find refuge.

It is not strange sought Cabinet heads turned at the door, on which hung a pig mask.

It is clearly time stopped decades ago.

Even a calendar hanging in 1989.

I like to be in shelters, factories, research institutes here are corners where nothing changes for many years, and all remained in their places as the telephone switchboard "MIG" and old trёhprogrammny receiver "Mayak-202."

Few ponastolgirovat on the situation of the last century, we have closed all offices, turned off the lights and went home to fill up the remains busy night.

Source: saoirse-2010.livejournal.com