Artistic worlds
58-year-old Taiwanese artist Chen Forno Shin proves that the rice is not only a dominant product in the diet of his countrymen, but also a means of artistic vyrazheniya.
Tiny white grains of half a centimeter in length on and 0, 3 cm wide, contain even more tiny portraits and inscriptions which skilled miniatyurschik methodically and slowly creates the weeks before the finished work will stand naked eye publiki.
"Objects that seem to us by microscopic, in fact hide a whole universe without limits. Each work captures me and I again and again dipped into the abyss of unknown laws and mysteries that lurk in this tiny macrocosm "- Chen said Forno Shin.
Source: drunov.ru/
Sled dogs run in harness during the race «Red Lake in 2013" in Bucharest, Romania.
The first "printed" building