According to the new theory, parallel universes may exist in reality

Imagine a world where dinosaurs are not extinct, Germany won the Second World War, and you were born in a different country. According to the theory of American and Australian researchers, such worlds really can exist in parallel universes are constantly interacting with each other. Yes, it sounds like science fiction, but a new theory may explain some of the contradictions in quantum mechanics, on which scientists are fighting for centuries.
Scientists from Griffith University and the University of California believe that the neighboring worlds do not develop independently and influence each other by almost elusive repulsive force. This interaction may explain the strangeness of the work of the particles at the microscopic level. In quantum mechanics, there is a strange phenomena that contradict the laws of cause and effect.
"The idea of parallel universes exist in quantum mechanics since 1957, the year. The "many-worlds" interpretation of each universe splits into many new universes every time a quantum measurement. So, everything is possible: in some universes ruined dinosaurs meteorite flew past Earth in other Portuguese colonized Australia ».
blockquote> The first theory about the plurality of worlds expressed by Hugh Everett. According to him, the ability of quantum particles to take just two states can be explained by the fact that both conditions exist in different universes. Instead of collapsing, in which quantum particles "chose" to this or that state, they take both simultaneously.
Professor Wiseman and his colleagues agree. They believe that some of the huge number of worlds are almost identical to ours, and the other is fundamentally different from it. All the worlds are equally real, is constantly there in time, and have precisely defined properties. Scientists believe that quantum phenomena are due to the universal repulsive force between "adjacent" worlds, trying to make these worlds as possible dissimilar.
The ability to bring a quantum evolution, using a finite number of worlds, can have serious consequences for molecular dynamics. This is important for the understanding of the chemical reactions and, consequently, the effects of drugs.