The first "printed" building

possibilities of 3D-printers are dazzling. We did not have time to enter into our lives the first 3D-devices designed mainly to address domestic needs, as they are already ready to entrust the new, really serious problem. It comes from the fact that the 3D-press may eventually replace the entire building industriyu.

MIT researchers are working on 3D-technology, which allows to build skeletons of building structures in one day - instead of the usual months for the team of builders. And it's not just a scientific interest - the first building of this technology Danish experts intend to build in 2014.

Roysenaars plans to use for its work 3D-printer, designed by Italian inventor Enrico Dini. The plan is to "print" fragments of the carcass 6 × 9 meters, which will include sand and an inorganic binder, and then fill in the framework of reinforced fibers betonom.

We called it the first building, however, judging by the speed with which today are developing 3D-technology and Roysenaarsa statement that he does not plan to complete the project before 2014, who knows - maybe the first will be someone else ...
Source: mixstuff.ru/archives/15926